Bush Beat Blog |
DATE: September 23, 2017 |
We’ve received 9 orphaned babies into our formula program in the last 2 weeks. (7 single births, 1 set of twins). TWENTY of the 24 babies in our infant program are cared for by their grandmothers or aunts, living with family in their home villages. They come each Thursday to “weigh in” and receive their formula allotment. A lifesaving blessing that YOUR LOVE GIFTS provide. Three of the infants are living in our foster homes because no family member can care for them. Our youngest, Jacinta, reminds me of a little China doll. She is almost a 30 days old now, and is quickly gaining weight. NO GRASS GROWING UNDER OUR FEET Our construction crew have wasted no time in getting the new orphan house above window level in the last week. Our carpenters are busy making the door and window frames which will be installed as soon as the walls are up to the 2 meter (6.5 ft.) level. Orphan House #3 is rising quickly. BBC, (Bush Bikers for Christ) help maintain our perimeter fence.
NEW CHURCH OPENS IN REMOTE VILLAGE JAMIRA VILLAGE, 42 km (25 miles) from our base, is now the most remote of all our Balama churches. On Friday, Sept. 22, the opening ceremony was attended by the 96 adults and children who make up this church as well as many villagers. THREE new converts received Jesus after our Pastors preached God’s Word to the village crowd. FORTY FIVE (45) of the church members received water Baptism! FOOD TEAM BUSY WITH DISTRIBUTIONS TO ORPHANS The first 2 weeks of each month are our busiest, as we distribute over 60 tons of corn and beans to orphans in 26 villages. In July, I stated that what goes into our barn must now go out. Our teams will continue this routine through November so that over 1,800 orphans in Balama and the 525+ orphans in Meluco Districts do not go hungry. THANK YOU FOR YOUR EVER FAITHFUL HELPING HAND SO THAT THESE LITTLE ONES HAVE WHAT THEY NEED. Blessings, Bush Bunny Brenda Lange And the Balama Staff |
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