DATE: September 3, 2017 |
YES, our office survived the storm as it is located in one of the few areas that did not flood, PTL! HOWEVER, our Houston Post Office is still underwater after a week, and all mail service in most of the Houston area has stopped. More on that below as there is an urgent matter at hand for Hurricane victims. PAYING IT FORWARD: BLESS A TEXAN WITH LIFE SAVING MEDICINE In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, all of us at O.U. are doing our part to help the victims by giving a personal gift that directly saves a life. FYI: Our prayers continue for OUR TEXAS PARTNERS CAUGHT IN THIS STORM. Many had to be rescued from the fast rising flood waters. BLESSINGS INTERNATIONAL: A CHRISTIAN MINISTRY PARTNER TO O.U. THEY HAVE PROVIDED LIFE SAVING MEDICATIONS FOR OVER 2 DECADES TO OUR ORPHANS IN MOZAMBIQUE. You can trust them to get your gift to those in need. BLESSINGS IS STOCKING MOBILE PHARMACIES WITH MEDICATIONS URGENTLY NEEDED BY STORM SURVIVORS IN TEXAS. Hurricane Harvey wiped out or flooded 100’s of pharmacies, clinics, hospitals, and nursing homes which had to evacuate with no time to organize the patient’s medicines. Your LOVE GIFT of any amount will provide large bottles of OF PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS to these mobile clinics for distribution. THESE MEDICATIONS ARE BEING DISTRUBUTED FREE OF CHARGE to hurricane victims. Because Blessings buys their medications in bulk, and packages them in a sterile environment AT THEIR MINISTRY BASE IN TULSA, (I’ve seen the set up), YOUR LOVE GIFT will provide the MAXIMUM IMPACT POSSIBLE to those in need. BLESSINGS INTERNATIONAL ( staff members take the love of Jesus to all those they touch. When Blessings says 100% of your gift goes to the victims, THEY MEAN IT. THE HURRICANE HARVEY ICON on their website enables YOU to be a part of the Jesus Rescue Team for those in need. Blessings gave much to us. NOW WE PAY IT FORWARD! Blessings Tulsa phone number: (918) 250‑8101 BUSH BUNNY BRENDA SPECIAL REQUEST TO OUR MONTHLY DONORS OUTSIDE THE STORM AREA OUR HOUSTON POST OFFICE IS STILL UNDER WATER MAIL SERVICE IN THE HOUSTON AREA IS NON-EXISTENT AT THIS TIME The only way your monthly love gifts can get to our orphans is via PAYPAL ON OUR WEBSITE. JUST FOR SEPTEMBER we ask that you help our children by sending your gift via PAYPAL instead of the Post Office. DONORS unable to send via PAYPAL, we ask that you MAIL YOUR CHECK AT THE END OF SEPTEMBER. Mail service in the Houston area will hopefully resume by that time. We will keep you updated. SORRY, DUTY CALLS: A 4 lb. (2kg), 8 day old baby girl, whom we rescued late yesterday needs my attention. More on her rescue in next week’s blog. Love and Hugs, Bush Bunny Brenda Lange And the Balama Staff |