FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“DATE: APRIL 11, 2020 JESUS’FOLDED NAPKIN AND IT’S TRUE MEANING Did you ever wonder why the disciple John told IN DETAIL about the cloth that covered Jesus’ face in the tomb? It was neatly folded and laid to one side, while the rest of the burial clothes were left in a heap on the burial stone. Here’s the story behind that most important “sign”. In Hebrew culture, when the master of the house left the dinner table, he either left his napkin in a heap or he folded it nicely and set it beside his plate. A heaped up napkin told the servants that the master was finished eating, and they could clear the table. THE NICELY FOLDED NAPKIN told the servants, leave the table as it is, I’M COMING BACK! OUR LORD JESUS IS COMING BACK! He left us this most important “sign” for He knew the Jewish people would know it’s meaning. JESUS’ RESURRECTION WAS ONLY HIS FIRST STEP. HE WILL SEE US VERY SOON! A FACT to use when talking to unbelievers. HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY! BUSH BUNNY TIDBITS 1. All our children are healthy and going about their daily routines, while the foster mothers are anxiously waiting for the school to reopen, hopefully in May. Our school year begins Feb. 1st and ends late October each year, so our children still have time to catch up on their lessons. ![]() Our Victory House kids in their new school uniforms earlier this year. 2. Baby Angelina (held by her foster mother, Balbina), gives us a big smile after she completed her “weekly weigh in”. ![]() Baby Angelina smiles for us all. At 6 months of age, she now weighs 5.9 kg (13 lbs.) That is what a lot of loving care and the proper foods can do for a malnourished baby. YOUR LOVE GIFTS MADE THIS POSSIBLE! 3. MORE TRIPLETS! Three tiny girls this time, with the smallest little girl, Rosinha, (2.2 lbs or 1 kg), struggling. She tires easily when trying to take a bottle. I showed the family how she must be given small amounts of milk every hour in daytime and every 2 hours at night, if she is to gain strength. ![]() Triplet girls received April 9th. The other 2 girls (Rosa and Rosalina) are much stronger at double her weight. Please keep all 3 of them in your prayers. 4. The 1st set of triplets (2 boys and a girl) received March 19th are all doing well. They are showing good weight gain (thanks to your prayer power). ![]() The triplets we met in March, with their mother on the far right. The little girl, Marcia, who was the weakest, is doing much better as she gained 300gms this week, and is looking much stronger. HAPPY EASTER, AND MAY YOU CONTINUE TO BLESS OTHERS AS YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THIS WEEK. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |