FROM BRENDA LANGE aka. “The Bush Bunny” Date: August 14, 2013
Melissa Olmsdahl is the newest member of our Moz. staff. She comes to us from George, South Africa, where she was the Youth Leader for that town’s CMA church. (Christian Motorcycle Association)
Melissa is a true blessing to our kids and to our staff. She picked up Linda’s responsibilities of cooking, as well as the Women’s Bible Study and Prayer Walks and much, much more. She’s a natural with the children.
Melissa doesn’t sit still, and I greatly appreciate her cheerful attitude, even when the going gets tough. Her vocabulary is growing daily, as is her cultural understanding.
So enjoy her letter and photos.
Blessings, Bush Bunny Brenda
Footprints under the mango tree
Hi everyone,
If you go to our recreation centre, you will find thousands of little foot prints all over the show. When I look at these prints, during a quiet time, I always smile as I think of the kid’s joyful play in this area. The kids can be so silly, it’s so cute. There are so many activities that we have running up at the centre. We do sports programs for the bigger kids, during which, the little munchkins will often come and mischievously snatch the basket ball away. I’ll admit, most of the time I will hand the ball over to them, I can’t help myself sometimes Its getting it back that’s the challenge, some of these little guys know how to run, good golly!
We have the basket ball court and the soccer field up there, and at 8am and 3pm every day, our youth director, Bertino, runs the sports program. He is really reliable. Whenever I get a chance, I go up and play with them. I’m not the best athlete, but surprisingly, the boys let me in their games. It makes me feel really special.
I really love those boys! They have all crept into my heart. They are the teenage orphans that are part of our orphanage. They are real teenagers, take chances, get into trouble, but they all are so special.
There are eight of them, they are all super different, but each of them have a special something lovely. They all help out with our Sunday school programs each week. They help with the lessons, and with controlling the kiddies. This week that passed they did a puppet show to tell the story of Jesus and Zacchaes in the tree. The little kids really love the puppets; they really get involved in what the “puppets” are saying.
Our Sunday school is always packed on a Sunday morning. Actually our churches are filled with mostly children. But a wise man once taught me that the kids are Jesus’s little evangelists. A child on fire is the best catalyst. If you could only hear the vibration in that little room when these kids sing, when they scream hallelujah! It’s intensely moving. Now imagine with me, all these children scattering after Sunday school, as little feet do, and go and play outside their huts, outside their friend’s huts, singing the praises to Jesus that they learned, all over the village…
These little foot prints in the sand are the foot prints of our little evangelists. Whenever I see these little foot prints, I feel the face of God smiling down, as a proud father, recounting the steps of His little children… Thanks you Jesus for these little babes.
So another one of the things I get to do, is take part in Pre School, which we have every Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. It is so much fun. The teachers teach them numbers, and Portuguese words, as they only speak the tribal language, Macua. I actually benefit from these Portuguese lessons. Who knew that I would have to go back to Pre School to learn stuff.
I really admire the teachers we have, they really do an awesome job with the kids. They might not realize it, but God is using them to enrich these babies lives.
I have started teaching them English words as well. Only three a day, I really love to watch their little brains soak up all they can. I have been teaching them body parts, and they really get a kick out of watching me use my body to show them the parts. I really enjoy spending time with them. And of course, play time under the mango tree is very action packed. I’ve been taken down and tickled, had ten little girls play with my hair, at the same time… and played horsy. As I said, it’s a dream come true.
Lastley, I want to say goodbye to my special friend Linda, she left us last week Saturday. Her time here in Balama came to an end, and she has gone home to be with her many, many grandchildren. Enjoy them Linda, your amazing love will be missed around here. Thank you for being such an amazing vessel for Jesus to work through. Love you so much, you are amazing!
It has been so good to share again. Love you all so much Be super blessed, and may the Lord Jesus really touch you deeply each and everyday