From: Brenda Lange,” Bush Bunny Brenda” Date: DECEMBER 7, 2013
When I drove up to the goat barns Thursday, I heard one of the Mommy goats bleating loudly. Pastor Joaguim told me I was just in time as this goat was about to deliver. Observing from a distance for about 5 minutes told me something was wrong, as I could see the baby’s front hoofs and nose, but nothing moved with the following 2 contractions. The female began throwing herself against the bamboo corral fence, obviously in great pain.
I had the men catch her while I put on gloves. This wasn’t my first birthing assistance, as over the years, I’ve delivered 5 human babies with some being in mud huts and unsterile conditions, as well as helped horses, cattle, cats, dogs, and even baby ducks who were in distress. With some gentle assistance, and downward tension on the legs, this baby began to slide out into my hands. It kept coming, and coming, till the men began to yell in amazement. I thought WHOA, what have I got here?
This solid black “Goliath” of a goat is 1 inch (2.2cm) TALLER and 1 lb. (0.5kg) heavier than our other baby goats at birth. I call him JUNIOR, but my men just call him BIG!
The photo shows Junior at 24 hours of age, standing with his mother. He’s cute and cuddle now, but his heavy bone structure tells me he will be a heavy weight for sure when he grows up.
1. Our brick layers put the finishing touches on our 3rd Orphan Complex on Friday. The carpenters and painters are hard at work, as our goal is to get the children into their new home before Christmas.
2. Eric is putting together our 2014 DVD, as he leaves for South Africa middle of this month. Eric now has 4 grandchildren, who eagerly await his arrival.
No worries here, as Bush Bunny is totally comfortable being alone for Christmas. I’m putting on extra night guards at my house, and my best driver is close by if anything happens. Many missionaries will be staying in Moz. for Christmas, so I have friends close by.
FAITH NOT FEAR rules my life.
3. We plan a great Christmas for our children, so everyone is busy planning the feast and fun of celebrating Jesus’ birthday.
I hope that all of you are having a wonderful time planning how you will celebrate our Saviour’s birth.
Without JESUS, there would be no eternal life waiting for us at the end of our race.
Blessings, Bush Bunny Brenda Lange Eric Dry