At 3am Monday, Capena, Pastor Fred, and Zito left in our “long distance” Land Cruiser for Nampula, planning to get him a medical consult on his infected hip at 3pm that day. At 7am, Capena called to report his truck’s clutch was making a horrible noise when pressed, so he needed help.
Manuel, our mechanic/driver took off immediately in my pick-up with all supplies needed to tow them back to base. We tried to send Zito and Pastor Fred onto Nampula by bus without success, as none of the 6 buses that passed them would stop. When Manuel arrived, he loaded the whole group into my pick-up, and then slowly towed the broken truck back to Montepuez (the closest town).
In Montepuez, Capena hired a 4‑ton truck at my instructions. He and Manuel were able to get our broken Land Cruiser onto the flatbed truck via a concrete ramp at one of the service stations. The road to Balama is under heavy construction for the last 15 miles, and the bypasses are only BULLDOZED PATHS through the bush. Towing is impossible without wrecking one or both vehicles. (FYI. It takes 60 minutes to DRIVE that 15-mile section with a pick-up.)

Our Land Cruiser on flatbed being hauled to Balama with broken clutch.
The truck carrying our Land Cruiser arrived in Balama just after dark. Thankfully, Capena was able to phone the Balama Police Chief ahead of time, and he allowed us to offload our Land Cruiser at the Police Station’s concrete ramp. This is the ONLY concrete ramp in the whole county! With my car lights, and 2 flashlights, we unhooked, and moved the truck slowly onto the ramp. It was a relief to see that truck on the ground again, and we soon had it back at our base.
The next day, our mechanic pulled the transmission to find the clutch plate and bearing were worn out. Finding new ones would be a challenge.
Capena used Tuesday to reorganize a new appointment for Zito on Wednesday, and get the staff salaries paid. Our mechanic called around, but could not find the needed parts.

Zito at private clinic in Nampula awaiting surgery day.
Zito was seen by 2 doctors on Wednesday, and surgery was organized for Saturday, August 3rd. After the Dr. appointment, Capena went by the Toyota Dealer and FOUND THE NEEDED PARTS!
All is well, for God has once again met our needs.
ZITO came through the surgery, but has a very low blood pressure, and a low blood count post op. His IV fluids had to be replaced with a unit of blood, and we are told he may need another 2 units on Sunday. Having 1 unit post op after surgery in Mozambique is pretty normal, but not 3.

Zito post op just before receiving blood.
The doctor did not have time to give Capena (office manager who is with Zito), a full report on the surgery. Capena hopes to speak to him tomorrow about that. I will post a special blog if there are any significant updates that need to be passed along.
Please keep your prayers coming for ZITO is not “out of the woods” yet!

Zito getting blood post op.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO THOSE WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED TOWARDS ZITO’S HOSPITAL COSTS. I believe in transparency, so am giving you the facts below on Zito’s hospital needs.
At present, $1,600 has been contributed which covered all but $110 of Zito’s surgical costs.
With him needing 3 units of blood at $57/unit (must be bought in this country), with at least a 5‑day stay in the hospital ($410), it is obvious that his bill with medications, etc. will increase at least another $1,000.
No gift is too small, and I thank you now for helping out this precious young man.
More updates by next week, after I get the Dr.’s report.
Many thanks for all your prayers for Zito and those caring for him!!!