FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: DECEMBER 23, 2023 CHRISTMAS FEAST A YUMMY AFFAIR The entire 160 family members of widows and orphans met at our Food Center for a great feast this week. Bertino, our Children’s Pastor, led several songs followed by a prayer before the meal was served. Bertino leads the children in singing I LOVE YOU JESUS in several languages. The menu was very tasty “fancy rice” which is a chicken and beans sauce over the rice. It took 21 Chickens and 64 pounds (29kg) of Pinto Beans and 220 pounds (100kg) of rice to feed everyone. The little ones were served where they sat, but the school age children lined up with their plates in 2 serving lines. ![]() The 2 serving lines for the school age children. With 160 people to serve, this was the obvious way to get everyone eating in a timely manner. It worked great! In 20 minutes everyone was seated and enjoying their plate full of goodies. The program wrapped up with our cookie and yogurt sucker give out. It was fun watching the little ones who had never been to one of our feast parties before. ![]() Our under 3‑year-olds receiving cookies and candy. ![]() Our twins, Crecencia in pink followed by twin brother, Crecencio. Some of them were not quite sure what the treats were, but were quickly convinced by foster mothers that they were tasty. ![]() Juma in the foreground hustling out after getting his treats. Little Joshua, far left, in in total surprise mode as he waits for his treats. MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS! Our large family of 160. Biggest party to date. THANKS TO CHRIST’S LOVE IN YOU, OUR HUGE FAMILY IS HEALTHY AND GROWING FAST! BLESSINGS UNTIL NEXT WEEK! BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |