Tuesday (May 14) delivery looked bleak for the essential 120 building beams and the 140 tin sheets needed by that night. Without these 2 items, our team would have to delay their 3:30 am departure the next day. SO WE PRAYED AND GOD SAID GO!
When He speaks, we listen, and prepared to go by faith and trusted that all would sort itself out.
On Tuesday at 4pm, the truck carrying the 140 tins sheets FINALLY left Nampula City, a 9‑hour-drive to the Montepuez rendezvous point, 60km/30 miles from us. WE PRAYED FOR NO DELAYS.
The Meluco truck we hired to fetch the 120 building beams got stuck in mud upon its return Tuesday morning. WE PRAYED! A second truck set out to fetch the beams (without us asking them too). THE BEAMS ARRIVED AT DUSK TUESDAY NIGHT!
The 140 tin sheets arrived at the Montepuez rendezvous at 1am Wednesday morning. Our buyer woke me up to tell me to send our truck! The Team and I loaded the final items at 3:30am. This 7‑man carpentry team was prayed out of Balama at 4am to fetch the tin sheets and meet this very long, challenging day!
Arriving safely in Meluco by 2pm, the Team found the bridge repairs IN PROGRESS! Hooray! But it would be THURSDAY before our truck could cross. No worries, for we had expected worse.

Thursday, the new bridge would open in Meluco!
The big truck that was supposed to meet them was not available. But a pick-up showed up driven by some locals, who told them to get their materials and hop in. They asked NO PAYMENT! (not normal) The TEAM parked our 7‑ton truck at the local fuel station, fetched essential supplies, and walked across the river to the small truck.
At the mission station, the TEAM immediately set to work using the broken warehouse beams to build the tall 4 sided “ladders” they needed for safe building. (see photo). The big truck we hired showed up on Wednesday and took the orphan’s food and heavy construction supplies to the mission.
As of Friday, all the support posts are cemented and drying.
The roof is being built as you read this.

Warehouse walls almost done. Note talk 4 legged ladder in foreground.
Your gifts are providing much more than this life-saving food warehouse and church! Your love gifts have also made it possible to repair several damaged homes where widows and orphans live. TOGETHER WITH GOD, WE ARE A GREAT RESCUE TEAM! THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVING HEARTS!
Thankfully, Dave Deboer from Michigan will be flying in May 25th to help me with the massive food buying that begins June 1st. I am most grateful for his assistance, as this year will be especially challenging since the bean harvest is limited.
During the school year, we seldom see the orphans who benefit from the food give-outs, for we distribute each Thursday from our mission station in Balama. Last week was school holidays, so we requested all the children to meet with us on food give-out day. Here are a few of the children receiving your blessing of food. Sorry, no group photo, for the kids came a few families at a time over a 3 hour period.

These 4 also help their granny at home. Brings new meaning to “and the children shall lead them”.

Super Seven came alone for their granny’s legs could not make the journey. These children are raising themselves and caring for a granny, too!

This uncle cares for his nephews for they have no other family.
Each day presents new challenges, and we thank all of you for standing with us in prayer. Those prayers are moving MOUNTAINS for all of us in 3 Districts (counties).
Bush Bunny Brenda Lange
And the ever faithful Balama/Meluco Staff