FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: NOVEMBER 21, 2020 JESUS RAISES FOSTER MOTHER FROM CERTAIN DEATH VANEZA, head mother of House #6, was hit behind the right ear this last Monday, at 9 a.m. by an out-of-control woman yielding a strong piece of firewood. At the police station, Vaneza gave her testimony, and was then promptly sent to the hospital. Treated and released with no obvious symptoms, Vaneza was at our children’s home, when at 3 p.m. she started with a mild headache and pain in her right thigh where she had also been hit. The hospital staff approved a painkiller and she fell asleep. Our Children’s Director lives near House #6 so she checked on her frequently. All was fine until 6 p.m. when Vaneza’s whole body stiffened and she had a seizure. I was immediately called. I called our office manager, Capena, who went to fetch a nurse who lived nearby. I raced to House #6 to assess her condition and prepare her for transport to our hospital. The nurse immediately called the Doctor, who met us at the emergency room. Immediate IV treatment stopped the seizure. Treatment to reduce her obvious cerebral edema was given, and all seemed normal for the next 48 hours. NOTE: Cerebral edema can build up slowly, thus the reason Doctors tell families to closely observe the person for the first 24 hrs. As Vaneza prepared to leave the hospital at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, she suddenly stiffened and seized again! The increased activity seemed the culprit. IV medication stopped this seizure, but she showed obvious signs that her cerebral edema was increasing. A call to Pemba hospital organized a strong IV medicine that could reduce the swelling. Our truck was dispatched immediately to fetch it, but it is a 7‑hour round trip from Balama to Pemba. Would it be in time? Three more seizures occurred on Wednesday between 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. with only temporary relief from IV meds. The situation looked very grim after the 4th seizure. ![]() Vaneza in 4th seizure, 2:30 p.m., Wednesday. A Christian nurse and I laid hands on Vaneza and asked God for a miracle, using our authority in Christ’s name to stop the seizures and heal her completely. We had all been praying for her, but now the 2 of us went into spiritual warrior mode, for it was clear that a miracle from Jesus was her only hope. She received no further medications as her seizures did not return after we prayed. In fact, we both left the hospital for an hour to get a late lunch, totally trusting our Lord to deal with the situation. TO EVERYONE’S AMAZEMENT, WITHIN THAT HOUR, VANEZA AWOKE, SAT UP, DRANK AND ATE, AND TALKED CLEARLY TO EVERYONE!!! ![]() 4 p.m.. Wednesday. Vaneza TOTALLY HEALED 90 minutes after prayer. As a past ICU nurse with much experience caring for head injuries, I can tell you THIS IS NOT A NORMAL recovery scenario. The Christian nurse and I were the only ones who “knew in our hearts” that Jesus had completely healed her when we prayed. THE SPEED AT WHICH HE HEALED HER, took even us by surprise! Vaneza stayed in hospital at Doctor’s orders, even though she begged to go home. The Doctor wanted her to receive the anti-edema meds over the next 36 hours, which passed without incident for she was fully recovered. Released on Friday, Vaneza is her cheerful self, but on light duty for a few days until she regains her strength from being in bed for 5 days. The photos tell the whole story. ![]() Vaneza, Saturday morning at House #6. Happy to he alive, thanks to Jesus! I would not normally take a photo of someone in critical condition, but felt “led by the spirit ” to do so. IT IS NOW PROOF TO ALL DOUBTERS THAT JESUS HEALS IF WE ASK IN HIS NAME AND SIMPLE BELIEVE HE WILL DO IT! No one with severe cerebral edema goes from comatose with consecutive seizures to TOTALLY HEALED in an hour unless JESUS touches their body. PRAISE THE LORD, HALLELUJAH! BLESSINGS TO ALL OF YOU, AND A HAPPY THANKSGIVING! All of us have much to be thankful for, even in these tough times. Share your thankful heart with others and “make their day” a bit brighter. BUSH BUNNY BRENDA AND THE BALAMA STAFF |