FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: OCTOBER 3, 2020 HEALTHY TRIPLETS THANKS TO YOUR HELP Triplets Marcia, Marcelina, and Marcelo are now very healthy at 6 months as they all weigh over 14.5 lbs/6.6kg thanks to your help. As you can see from their photo, they are chubby little tykes, who began life at only a little over 2 kgs/4.5lbs each. ![]() Balama town triplets Marcia, Marcelina, and Marcelo. The 2nd set of triplets from Rovuma village, Felismina, Filomina, and Filomino, are close behind them in weight at 5kg (11lbs) each even though they are 7 weeks YOUNGER than the first set of triplets. I take my hat off to this mother and 2 older siblings of the Rovuma family, for they have done an exceptional job of raising these 3 little ones up to now. ![]() Rovuma triplets are gaining weight rapidly. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR BABY FORMULA PROGRAM, FOR IT LITERALLY MEANT LIFE VS. DEATH TO THESE NEWBORNS. LIFE SKILLS TRAINING: WEAVING A ROPE BED Rope Beds are the “norm” for this culture, as the materials to make them are readily available. I bought the bed frame from a local man who makes them, and our “Life Skills” team were taught by Rachide, my house guard, to weave the ropes super tight so it makes a very comfortable bed. ![]() Life Skills Teens complete their 1st woven rope bed. The Fabulous Five Teenagers need this bed before they can move into their new home this coming week. Our builders are still wrapping up the final touches on their home this weekend. The video link will better explain how bed weaving is done, and you’ll see our team of young men learning a new “life skill” while helping out the Fabulous Five. Watch a video of the Fabulous Five weaving the bed for our new orphans here —> LITTLE SANTOS TAKES HIS FIRST SELFIE! Santos and his Foster Mother, Felimina, joined me in a selfie last week, as 2.5 year old Santos really wanted to play with my phone. So I turned on the camera, and we did our best to get all 3 of us in the photo. My arms were just a bit too short, but we tried. Anyway, Santos LOVED THE PHOTO, so I wanted to share it with you. ![]() Santos Santos 1st selfie with Brenda and Foster Mother, Felimina Please know I love hearing from all of you, so don’t be shy about writing. Tell me what’s going on in your life, for I am very isolated here and emails are most welcome. I will answer back for sure. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |