Eight year old Angelica came to us as an infant, barely a month old.Her grandmother threw the baby into a field to die, for her daughter was dead. Grandma felt hopeless for there was no milk for the crying infant. The grandmother later told us that she felt it more merciful for the baby to die that day versus suffer a slow death from starvation because she had no way to buy milk.But Angelica’s 10 years old sister didn’t agree. She snatched the baby out of the field after the grandmother walked away.
Taking the baby to a nearby neighbor who had an infant of her own, she begged her friend to suckle the baby.
The neighbor agreed and also got several other women to suckle the baby over the next few days. But 3 days later, they realized they could not give the baby all it needed.
Note: These women did this without their husbands knowledge, for it is against their culture to suckle a baby who is not a family member.
But a neighboring man DID FIND OUT. Gratefully, his reaction was one of kindness. He told the desperate 10 year old, that if she truly wanted to save her sister, that she should take the baby to Mama Brenda in Balama town 27 km (16 miles) away. It was a long walk, but this kind neighbor man escorted the Sister and baby the entire distance to our house. A bottle of formula later, and Angelica was a happy camper.
Social Services investigated, and agreed the baby should remain with us, for the grandmother was not interested in raising the baby.
We offered the orphaned Sister a place to stay with us, but she felt she should stay and help her grandmother.YOUR LOVE GIFTS PROVIDE 2ND CHANCES TO 100’S OF CHILDREN JUST LIKE ANGELICA
Their stories would fill a book, but many of these “miracle rescues” are unknown even to me.
Saying thank you for your love gifts seems hardly adequate, but know that Jesus sees your heart and your reward awaits you in heaven.KIDS FLOCKING TO JESUS!
Seeing a vision become a reality is truly amazing! Since my arrival in Balama, I envisioned strong evangelistic teams doing just what our Youth Pastors are doing now. WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG? We had to wait for the “boys” to become men! For God literally raised these teams up from the local children.
BAWANA MOTORBIKE TEAM A: (L‑R) Daniel, Carlitos Jorge, Ambrosio, and Estevan.
BAWANA MOTORBIKE TEAM B: Gildo, Rufino, Armando, and Salimo.6,500+/week attend the games with Carlitos Jorge’s Friday, Saturday, Sunday motorbike team. (2 teams of 4 men travel on 4 motorbikes)
Bertino and Daude have opened Bawana games and girls soccer competitions in 2 small villages just outside Balama. (340+ kids each Friday and Saturday)The 6 man BBC bicycle team are touching 22 villages each Monday through Friday, reaching another 1,100 children/week with the gospel for Jesus.Current total: 7,940+ children hearing the gospel weekly.BAWANA GAMES STAFF TO OPEN 5 NEW VILLAGES THIS WEEK!Our AWANA GAMES program, now loving called BAWANA Games (Balama+Awana) by the local children.This coming Thursday (it’s school holidays for the next 3 weeks), Carlitos Jorge’s 8 man team now has the needed credentials to open Bawana games in 5 very, very remote villages. These villages are spread across the foot of a small mountain range, 12 km (7.2 miles) behind my house. Only ONE of these villages has a small church. The rest are considered “unreached”. The whole team is very, very excited to be “pioneering” this area for Jesus.Note: When school restarts, we will coordinate with the local teachers so our Thursday games program coincides with their “recess” time.I’ll keep you posted as events unfold.
7 TON TRUCK REPAIRED, SO LET THE FOOD FLOW!While picking up the very last load of July corn from our Pastors, the 7 ton truck broke down about 3 miles out of Balama. The left rear brake chamber for the air brakes cracked, causing a major air leak that disabled the truck due to its heavy load of corn. Our 6 ton truck team quickly unloaded their last load, and returned to pick up this load. After some very good road side engineering by Manuel, he was able to plug the leak enough to slowly bring the empty truck home.And there it sat for over 3 weeks while Eric Dry, our invaluable helper in South Africa, ordered the part and had it shipped to us. (This chamber is not even available in Moz.)Thanks to our Professional mechanic Carlos in Montepuez, 30 miles/60km away (who does house calls), the truck is now “back on the road”.Capena will spend this week setting up our first food distribution to over 600 orphans in the 7 villages near the Mango Tree Church of Mavala.MUCH THANKS AND GOD’S BLESSINGS AS YOU ALL CONTINUE TO HELP THE INNOCENT CHILDREN IN OUR AREA.
Sunset in Balama. The work never ends, but for today, we have run out of daylight.
Blessings,Bush Bunny Brenda Lange