It’s been a week of just “digging and doing” as we call it. What missionaries do “behind the scenes” is not always exciting, but it is always rewarding to see the job “well done” when it is over. 1. All BBC teams continue to make large impacts on over 13,000 village children. With school holidays in progress, all teams report much larger crowds. 2. We are pushing forward with the final detail work of the 2 orphan houses under construction. The houses lack only paint, mounted doors, and putting up the chain link fence that gives the children a bit of security. 3. Our construction team is working hard to break big granite rocks into little rocks for the construction of the next 2 large concrete brick houses. These homes will replace the 3 small mud huts where the “14 abandoned kids” now live. Sand is also being hauled in by our tractor crew, for lots of preparation goes into the “pre-construction” of each house. PROJECTED MOVE FOR THE 14 ABANDONED INTO THE 2 NEW HOMES IS AUGUST 14TH, IF ALL GOES AS PLANNED. FATIMA CONTINUES TO EXCEL IN CHILDREN’S EVANGELISM Missionary Colin sent me this photo on Friday of Fatima assisting in an object lesson being given to a group of children. Raise up a child in the way they should go, and they will not depart from it. Colin says she is a true blessing to their evangelistic team and to his family. OUR TEAM USING THEIR HEADS TO SOLVE PROBLEMS Thought all of you could use some chuckles. Men will be boys when it comes to “bragging rights”, with each trying to outdo the other. (It’s a guy thing.) During food buying, I’m always teasing the stronger guys that to “save steps” they should carry 2 sacks of corn at a time. They get a good laugh out of it for each sacks weighs 132 lbs./60kg. Carlitos Jorge decided to pull a joke on me, so he could “brag” to all our men that he carried 3 sacks at once. So he picked up 3 newly hulled rice sacks (20kg/44 lbs. each), and carefully balanced them on head and shoulders before carrying them from my house for all to see. I was laughing so hard I could hardly take the picture. OUR 1ST PLACE ENGINUITY AWARD FOR 2017 GOES TO CARLITOS JORGE FOR BEST ORIGINAL IDEA! 2ND PLACE GOES TO OUR BRICK LAYERS. Their original “motorbike pickup” served as great transportation for a load of construction boards when our truck was out of town fetching supplies. The photo says it all. That’s about it for this week. YOUR FAITHFUL PRAYERS AND LOVE GIFTS MEAN EVERYTHING TO US. IT TAKES A WHOLE TEAM OF FOLKS WORKING TOGETHER TO SAVE THESE INNOCENT LITTLE ONES. THANKS AND GOD’S BLESSINGS TO YOU ALL. BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |