With the damaged barn roof removed last Sunday, the 1100 bags of corn, rice, and peanuts were at big risk from sporadic rains.
By Tuesday we had the food safely stored or distributed to the needy.
During my prayer time on Monday night, the Lord clearly showed me that I was to donate some of the food to the hospital and the high school dorm for out of town students.
Before I could even contact them, the School Director came to my door begging a bag of beans as the students had nothing to eat that day.
I immediately loaded up 3 bags of beans and delivered them to a very grateful group of hungry teenagers.
As we took the food to the hospital, the Doctor met us at the door with a look of surprise on his face.
He told our staff that he was most grateful as the patients had just eaten the last food they had in their warehouse!
Our showing up with exactly what they needed just as they needed it, made quite a witness to this non believing doctor.
BUT GOD KNEW and He provided!
As the men moved the last of the corn from our damaged barn, the “live in snake guards” were not happy at being disturbed.
On Tuesday, a 2 foot spitting cobra showed his temper by attacking our workers with his venomous spit.
The snake was outnumbered, and quickly disposed of by my expert snake killers.
Unknown to us, a 5 foot snake that lived under the corn had escaped the damaged barn on Sunday night, and went to live under the corn that we were now storing in our corn grinding mill.
He was under the corn in the mill the whole time my men were moving the bags into that building on Monday.
My carpenters were taking their lunch break this last Friday, when our well fed “rat guard” decided to make his appearance (not realizing the men were just outside the mill door).
As he slid out from under the door, scaring the carpenters beyond words, they quickly whacked him, ending his happy hunting days.
He received a nice burial.
My men are firm believers in the phrase; “the only good snake is a dead one”.
The barn reconstruction is expected to be complete this Friday, May 21.
The beans are still flowing in steadily, one sack at a time, but no one is complaining.
We now have over 10 tons stored in our barn for this year.
It looks like it will be a lean year for many in this area.
We are expecting several tons of beans to be available to us this week.
We will take in all we can find knowing that our JOSEPH PROJECT may be all that stands between hunger and malnutrition for many kids this year.
God named our food distribution program the Joseph Project 10 years ago.
Just as Joseph gathered the food and filled his barns against a time of severe hunger, so will we.
BBB in Moz.
Drove in to the village road to a line of people blocking the road, as they were headed to the cemetery to bury a 3 year old girl.
Sad to say but her Catholic parents took the child to a witchdoctor and she died on the way home of anemia.
Some people are just too thick to listen to reason as our church members told them that we could help her.
Anyway, when I got to the church most of the church members were at the funeral as this family lived only 150 yards from our church.
Pastor Joaguim told me that few were here due to the funeral, so I went over to greet them (including Genono, the oldest man in that church).
He received a miracle healing for his Congestive Heart Failure and is now DANCING in the church!
This man couldn’t walk last time I saw him in January.
Linda Stanley and her prayer team went out and prayed for him and he was healed the SAME DAY!
That man grabbed my hands during Praise and Worship and DANCED WITH ME!
I preached today on Joshua 1:5–9 for courage and boldness, and on how to use the name of Jesus to protect themselves from thieves and others following the devil.
Church lasted over 2 hours and it seemed like 30 minutes.
The children danced and sang. Gotta get some new clothes out to them this week as most are in rags.
All I saw as they danced were BUTTS as most of the boys had holes in the seat of their pants!
The mothers and men sang and danced, and then all I saw were baby’s heads bobbing as they were sleeping while tied to their Mother’s backs.
Two of the 2 year old toddlers came and crawled up into my lap at the same time.
I had a fun time hugging and swaying to the music with them. Those 2 little boys ate it up.
Afterwards we had clinic under the nearby Mango tree just outside the church.
We had prayed for the sick but there were 14 babies that needed meds badly.
I didn’t want more deaths in the area, so spent 30 minutes playing Doctor Bunny!
I told them how you plan to come next year and they were only sad in that you can’t come THIS YEAR.
You might want to think about that.
I will be all alone here from late August to early Oct. as Eric has to be in RSA at that time.
All the visitors and all my HELPERS are leaving end of August.
If you think you can come, don’t let Finances enter into your decision.
PRAY ABOUT IT! Tell him HIS WILL BE DONE that you are willing!
I can find a donor to get you a ticket.
If God calls HE PROVIDES!
Love and Blessings, BBB