FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: OCTOBER 31, 2020 BABY MAEZINHA JOINS OUR FAMILY Last Sunday, Granny Aluina, whom I introduced you to last week, walked in from her village with the very ill baby girl, Maezinha. (An error on the paperwork had me report this baby as a boy in last week’s blog.) Maezinha, 6 months old, is malnourished as she weighs only 5.2kg/11.4 lbs. She had a high fever, was very irritable and refusing a bottle. Granny told us she was too old to handle this baby, and asked us to take her into our family. Our Children’s Director and I agreed this was best for the sake of the infant. Social Services agreed, treatment for malaria was given, and after 5 days, our newest family member is eating well and beginning to smile at times. ![]() Baby Maezinha held by Foster Mother Maria. She’s had a rough life, losing her mother 3 weeks ago, then changing families twice in the following 3 weeks. Maria is an excellent mother and it is obvious that Maezinha is very happy with her. This morning, Maezinha grabbed my hand, letting me know she accepted me too. While sick she wanted nothing to do with me. SPONSOR NEEDED FOR MAEZINHA. $30/month will provide her formula and food. Plz email me if you would like to sponsor this sweet little girl. ![]() Maezinha holding my finger, tells me I am now accepted by her. VILLAGE PASTORS PRAY FOR USA AND MOZAMBIQUE LEADERS Our faithful Village Pastors always end our monthly meetings with intense prayer for our most urgent needs. They know how important it is to pray for government leaders, so that was the basis of this month’s prayer session. ![]() Faithful Village Pastors pray for Mozambique and USA. GOD IS MOVING. Our Namuno County Pastor, Alberto, reported that the village of Ocua requested his help in beginning a shade tree church. Their area has 20 adults, 18 teenagers, and 22 children who wanted to receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour! This is the 5th village to come to Christ in this District/County, PTL! Balama Salvations in October Adults: 25 Teenagers: 26 Children: 71 THANK YOU TO ALL WHO GIVE SO THAT OTHERS CAN KNOW JESUS! LIFE SKILLS TEACHES “HELP THY NEIGHBOR“ Last week, 23 teenagers, all orphans living near our mission station, joined our Life Skills group. October is “prepare your fields for planting”, so our lessons not only included farming techniques, but helping one another. Our staff split them into 2 groups to help widows and sick, elderly people to prepare their fields. ![]() Terrific Teen Power in our 23 youth learning Life Skills. Everyone benefits as these young people seem super-powered in how much they accomplish in a 2‑hour class time. Once these fields are planted, then we will introduce the group to other skills. CHANGING A NEIGHBORHOOD, 1 CHILD AT A TIME. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |