On Friday, January 8th, we received 10 new orphans in one day!
A rare occurrence and one we DO NOT want to see!
Receiving orphans means the children have lost their mothers. In this case, all 3 mothers died due to complications after childbirth.
This is the 2nd leading cause of orphaned children in Mozambique.
The number one killer is contaminated water.
That’s why our water well drilling program is so important.
The first mother had 6 children under age 10 and died having # 7.
The father abandoned all 7 children when the mother died after a C‑section on January 5th.
Their only relatives are a grandmother and an uncle, who with our help, will care for the children.
The 3 day old baby girl was delivered by C‑section in such a hurry that her scalp was cut in 2 places.
She is doing well & her head is healing nicely.
An hour later a family walked in with twin boys, 3 days old, who were also orphaned on Jan. 5th.
Our final arrival was a 2 month old baby girl carried in by her father who had walked 12 miles to get to us.
His wife also died on Jan. 5th, leaving their 4 lb. daughter without milk.
Her birth weight was only 3.8 lbs. and she weighs only 4 lbs at 2 months. It’s obvious her mother was very prescription medicine ill as her breast milk was not enough to support the growth of this little one.
As I held this feather light little girl, she guzzled 2 ounces of formula when I didn’t think her little tummy could hold that much!
It’s sad that these little ones must start their lives without knowing their mothers.
But JESUS loves them so much that he sent us to Balama 10 year ago to bring HIS LOVE to these little ones who would otherwise perish.
We are BLESSED to have such a loving creator.
Our milk program alone saves a minimum of 100 babies a year who would other wise die of starvation.
I hope to see most of you during my USA tour.
If you desire to write, please send your e‑mail to
Love in Christ,
Bush Bunny Brenda
New Year happenings:
I’m only a week away from leaving Mozambique for my USA speaking tour, flying out Jan. 20th to arrive in Houston on 21st.
I’ll be releasing my speaking tour schedule next week for sure.
During Christmas & New Years we kept busy by planting over 3000 Jatropha trees.
The nuts from these trees are full of oil that can be made into bio diesel.
In three years, these little trees will be in full production. The oil from these nuts burns in normal kerosene lanterns, which is needed in all the villages to provide light.
Extracting the oil from these nuts will provide an income for our mission station as well as provide jobs for our grown orphans and the widows we support.
As we receive more cuttings, we will be encouraging the villagers to plant & produce the nuts.
This is one way of breaking the poverty chain in Mozambique.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
The Rainy Season Has Begun
The rainy season has begun!
The Rovuma church building (made of mud brick) was finished just YESTERDAY & the rains started early this morning.
God is faithful ALL THE TIME!
I wanted to share this amazing story with you on how our newest church members in Rovuma are taking Jesus’ WORD & putting it to work!
Last Sunday, I taught them a lesson on our AUTHORITY IN CHRIST.
Emphasizing what Jesus said about how we can use His name to lay hands on the sick so they will be healed.
Genono, the old man in my last Bush Beat newsletter, took it to heart AND SAVED A BABY’S LIFE!
A family with a baby came to ionamin without prescription visit Genono, staying the night in his mud hut in Rovuma.
As they slept on the floor on grass mats, a number of one inch long black ants entered the hut. (they are night feeders)
I’ve been bitten by only 1 of these monster ants, & can tell you it not only HURTS, but that they carry a minor poison that is harmless to humans unless you receive multiple bites.
Multiple ants BIT THE BABY which began to scream.
Then the baby went limp, & wouldn’t respond to anything.
They feared she would die.
But Genono remembered the teaching from the church that morning.
He told his whole family to pray while he demanded the demons & the sickness to leave his hut in the name of Jesus.
Then he commanded the healing power of Jesus to heal the baby.
Within MINUTES the baby awoke & wanted to suck immediately!
The joyful faces on his entire family SAID IT ALL as Genono finished telling his story to me on Monday.
I can’t wait for him to give his testimony in the church tomorrow!
Our objective is to EMPOWER all church members to do what Jesus did when He walked this earth.
This is only the beginning of a GREAT AWAKENING of the African people to the greatest power on earth!
Love from Mozambique,
Bush Bunny Brenda
Mango Tree Church Bearing Fruit
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Buy Acomplia Online Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
Subject: Mango Tree Church BEARING FRUIT!
Hi from BALAMA!
We are experiencing an exciting new move of God like none I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in Mozambique!
1. November is the 2nd busiest month of the year for us, as the rainy season is moving in.
From Dec. to March each year we deal with heavy rains almost daily. Our dirt roads turn to mush that buries many a pick up to the axle.
Bridges sometimes fail, leaving us with no way to get out since we only have one road to this area.
2. That means stock piling 4 months of supplies, repairing grass roofs on all 16 mud huts that supply our orphans.
Thanks to a few generous donors, we have been able to replace the grass with tin roofs on 5 of our orphan’s homes.
Our goal is to get all the grass roof’s replaced to make the houses healthier for the kids to live in.
Grass roofs leak no matter how good the roof, and it ‘s a great place for rats & mosquitoes to hide, bringing malaria & other diseases.
So all of us are busier than a bunch of beavers trying to protect their dam in a river flood!
3. Eric is busy drilling water wells. (We still need a mechanically minded person to help us drill next year.)
He has completed 3 wells since Oct. 5th & we hope to install a 4th before the rains hit.
4. TWO WEEKS AGO we reported on God’s strong move on the unbelievers in a small village called Rovuma.
Well God isn’t limiting his power to just one village.
Our “Paulo’s” witness (name changed for his protection) has now brought 45 people from 4 other villages to Christ!
More churches will be planted.
Today, a new church is born!
The Mavala Mango Tree Church is reproducing itself!
During November, we distribute food each week to the orphans in the 7 villages surrounding the Mango Tree Church.
The rains will start in December, making it impossible to deliver any food to these families until next May.
Our goal in November is to distribute 5 month’s worth of food so that the widows & orphans in our program will not go hungry until their fields produce a crop in April.
On November 13th, the orphans & their foster parents, heard the fabulous testimony of the man whom I featured in last months Bush Beat as “Paulo”.
Paulo was a muslim leader who went to over 27 witchdoctors trying to find a cure for his hands that were permanently damaged when he was hit by lightening 4 years ago.
Paulo had a “Jesus dream” which led to the miracle healing of both his hands.
He gives a powerful testimony of his Jesus miracle, & has already led more than 40 men & women to the Lord in the last 30 days in the village of Rovuma.
The Rovuma church their village water well exists because of the blessing of the New Life Church in Michigan.
TODAY, PAULO’S testimony sparked an avalanche of events that produced much fruit!
Pastor Agusto, head Pastor at the Mango Tree church, gave a powerful object lesson using a Mango Tree branch to show everyone how their life dries up if not fed by Jesus.
After his lesson, 45 men & women came forward to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL for Muslims to do.
We have been preaching God’s Word to them for over 2 years with only small results, so this took all of us by surprise!
45 men & women from 4 villages accepted Jesus on November 20th.
Many were from the village of Mpaca (M‑pah-ka), where we will start our next church.
Pastor Pinto, & his Pastoral trainee, Ernesto, will go to Mpaca this Sunday to meet with these new converts.
This was a whirlwind day! After the preaching, we distributed food to over 200 children, met with my pastoral staff, & organized 2 of them to meet with the new converts of Mpaca on Sunday,
ALL this took place in 3 hours!!!!
Pastor Alberto will meet with the new converts from a village called 7th of September.
God is moving with GREAT FORCE through Balama District (county).
THANKS TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS OF BUTLER METHODIST in PA & NEW LIFE in MI, we now have 2 Christian Centers that are producing
Love, Bush Bunny Brenda
September 23, 2009 Blog
Dear Friends:
So sorry that I have been “out of touch” during this last month, but life has been too busy for much computer time.
But here’s the latest.
After our VOX visitors left on Aug. 2nd, we organized a supply trip to South Africa for Eric Dry, my Associate Director.
He left Aug. 6th for the 5 day drive to South Africa pulling a trailer.
That means that while he is away, I have to deal with all mechanical problems including vehicle breakdowns, flat tires, maize mill hassles, etc. ON TOP OF what I already handle.
Needless to say, I have not lacked for work.
But the latest news is great news.
We are receiving our STATE Governor today who is talking about the new TAR ROAD that is suppose to link Balama with Pemba.
This will be a GREAT ASSET to our mission station, but it won’t happen immediately. Patience is the name of the game, but at least there is HOPE that someday we will have a manageable road during the rainy season. This road will link us to Malawi lake eventually, as it is the official national highway from west to east in northern Mozambique.
The President’s wife is due here sometime in early October, so I’m told we need to get ready for an inspection.
With 5 constructions crews running, we are busy putting renovating the 17 widow’s houses with new “out houses” & have been able to replace the grass roofs on 3 houses with tin roofs.
We hope to get rid of all grass roofs by next year as the mosquitoes love to hide in the grass during the day, so they can eat on whoever sleeps below during the night.
Malaria is on the increase in our area, so tin roofs, means less malaria for our kids.
I got word from our Meluco orphanage, 6 hours drive from here, that one of the 4 babies in our care died yesterday. Her mother had AIDS & gave it to the baby. The 4 month old died from a respiratory infection that her little body couldn’t fight off. So sad that the innocent have to suffer for the online pharmacy no prescription sins of their parents.
The NEW LIFE CHURCH near Grand Rapids, MI, is helping us plant a pastor & a church in a village called ROVUMA, about 3 miles from our base.
This village has never had a church & only 3 known Christians live in this area of 5,000+ people. It will be a real ground breaking time for sure, as most are muslims or believe only in the witchdoctor’s power.
Our pastor & evangelical team have their work cut out for them.
Chris Nagowski from Butler, Methodist came in August to inaugurate the church they sponsor in Mavala village.
That church is growing weekly, thanks to the KIDS who are the greatest evangelists of all!
The Sunday that Chris was there, we gave the 15 adults & 8 kids a challenge. Bring a friend next week.
NO new adults showed up, but the 8 kids brought 10 new friends!
There is little doubt who is the “good ground” that Jesus talks about in the Bible.
I told Pastor Agusto, who runs this program, to work with the children & the adults will follow.
Kids will TELL everyone what they learn, and that is the best evangelism around.
Keep us in your prayers as we desperately need at least 2 more missionaries to join our staff.
You will find the requirements for these 2, SUPPORTED missioanary positions posted on this blog.
One spot is for someone to train into the management of this orphanage, so I can be free to pioneer & teach what I know to others who want to multiply our work.
The 2nd spot is for a WATER WELL DRILLING PERSON. (man or woman)
We will send you to drilling school in Houston if you qualify & will give a 2 year commitment.
This is a supported position. We need a driller by May, 2010.
Would love to hear from some of you, as I’m not getting much personal mail.
Love & HUGS, Bush Bunny Brenda
Balama update Sept. 21, 2009
Dear Friends:
So sorry that I have been “out of =
during cheap adipex without a prescription =
September, but
life has been too busy for much computer time.
So here’s the =
After our VOX visitors left on Aug. 2nd, =
organized a supply trip to South =
Africa for Eric
Dry, my Associate Director.
He left Aug. 6th for the 5 day drive to =
Africa pulling a trailer.
That means that while he is away, I have to =
deal with
all mechanical problems including vehicle breakdowns, flat tires, maize =
hassles, etc. ON TOP OF what I already handle.
Needless to say, I have not lacked for =
But we =
have GREAT
We are receiving our STATE Governor today who is =
about the new TAR ROAD that is suppose to link =
Balama with
This will be a GREAT ASSET to our mission station, =
but it
won’t happen immediately. Patience is the name of the game, =
but at
least there is HOPE that someday we will have a manageable road during =
rainy season. This road will link us to Malawi lake
eventually, as it is the official national highway from west to east in
northern Mozambique.
The President’s wife is due here sometime in =
October, so I’m told we need to get ready for an =
With 5 constructions crews running, we are busy =
renovating the 17 widow’s houses with new “out houses” =
have been able to replace the grass roofs on 3 houses with tin =
We hope to get rid of all grass roofs by next year as =
mosquitoes love to hide in the grass during the day, so they can eat on =
sleeps below during the night.
Malaria is on the increase in our area, so tin roofs, =
less malaria for our kids.
I got word from our Meluco orphanage, 6 hours drive =
here, that one of the 4 babies in our care died yesterday. Her =
mother had
AIDS & gave it to the baby. The 4 month old died from a =
infection that her little body couldn’t fight off. So sad =
that the
innocent have to suffer for the sins of their parents.
The NEW LIFE CHURCH near Grand Rapids, MI, is helping =
plant a pastor & a church in a village called ROVUMA, about 3 miles =
our base.
This village has never had a church & only 3 =
Christians live in this area of 5,000+ people. It will be a real =
breaking time for sure, as most are muslims or believe only in the
witchdoctor’s power.
Our pastor & evangelical team have their work cut =
for them.
Chris Nagowski from Butler, =
Methodist came in
August to inaugurate the church they sponsor in Mavala =
That church is growing weekly, thanks to the KIDS who =
the greatest evangelists of all!
The Sunday that Chris was there, we gave the 15 =
adults &
8 kids a challenge. Bring a friend next week.
NO new adults showed up, but the 8 kids brought 10 =
There is little doubt who is the “good =
that Jesus talks about in the Bible.
I told Pastor Agusto, who runs this program, to =
with the children & the adults will follow.
Kids will TELL everyone what they learn, and that is =
best evangelism around.
Keep us in your prayers as we desperately need at =
least 2 more
missionaries to join our staff.
You will find the requirements for these 2, SUPPORTED
missioanary positions posted on this blog.
One spot is for someone to train into the management =
of this
orphanage, so I can be free to pioneer & teach what I know to others =
want to multiply our work.
The 2nd spot is for a WATER WELL DRILLING =
(man or woman)
We will send you to drilling school in =
Houston if you
qualify & will give a 2 year commitment.
This is a supported position. We need a driller =
May, 2010.
Would love to hear from some of you, as I’m not
getting much personal mail.
Love & HUGS, Bush Bunny Brenda
Organization is the Secret to Surviving the Balama Bean Rush
I haven’t blogged for a few weeks as we have been busy distributing feed
sacks for the massive Balama Bean Rush on June 1st.
June 1st is very busy for us as it is National Childrens Day in
Mozambique, as well as the first LEGAL Day to buy corn & beans in bulk.
Sylvia & Pastor Dominica organized a great party today for our kids of
rice & fish with cookies & suckers for desert. They loved it!
The rest of us…
BUSTED AN ALL TIME RECORD, as our 68 man crew manually moved & processed
25 TONS of dried beans (similar to the black eyed pea in the USA).
Alejandro & Carlos both from Argentina controlled the spraying & sacking
while I kept things organized & flowing smoothly.
Eric & Wikkie both from RSA did the hauling with our 6 ton truck.
Before today, the best we have ever done is 20 tons & that was NOT on the
first day of processing.
Needless to say we are all beat, & our feet are burning from
standing/walking for 9 hours. I think I’m getting too old for this kind
of hard work, so please keep praying for that SPECIAL SOMEONE whom God has
called to fill my shoes. (I’ll even give them a new pair of shoes to get
started in!)
Our bean barn is filling up fast with another 10 tons coming tomorrow.
Our 6 ton truck along with our tractor which pulls a 5 ton trailer, will
move up to 20 tons of corn tomorrow as well.
Needless to say, those who think ministry is just talking about Jesus
needs to come visit us. 🙂
With 1000+ hungry orphans in our area, we have to fill our 2 barns by
the 3rd week Buy Acomplia Online Without Prescription of June if we plan to feed them for the next 12 months.
Commercial buyers illegally moved more than 100 tons of corn our of Balama
late Sunday afternoon, May 31st (when they knew no one from Agriculture
was on duty). So competition is stiff & these guys don’t play by the rule
But God has provided our food needs this year & for that we are MOST
Keep those prayers coming!
Bush Bunny Brenda full of BEANS!
Bean Buying Bush Bunny Busy in Balama
Staying “up close & personal” with all of you is very important to me.
Because of YOUR LOVE for our kids, we are able to accomplish what God
wants, which is to rescue & evangelize orphans & widows in northern
I really love my work & am grateful to the Lord for restoring my health so
I can continue doing it.
What spare time I’ve had in the last 2 weeks, was used to varnish the
window shutters in my new bedroom.
Our children’s supplies (milk formula, teaching materials, medicines) & my
private office, are now taking up so much room in my bedroom that I had no
place for myself.
I literally had a bed in the middle of a warehouse.
We desperately needed a rat proof, cool & secure place for all these
valuables, & the cheapest solution was to build me a bedroom on the back
of my house.
Last year, my team of brick layers built the bedroom, but due to my
illness in November, it wasn’t completed before the rainy season hit in
Once I can move into my new bedroom (hopefully the end of May), the
current “bedroom/warehouse” will become the official “office & chiildren’s
supply room”.
Yesterday, we knocked out a doorway between the 2 rooms, so I can access
the house from the bedroom at night without going outside.
With a little paint, I can move in!
The last 2 weeks was hectic as we organized clothing & food for those
orphans who will remain in the program this year.
We gave out seeds last year so that households with teenage orphans could
become independent.
Last week, 80 families were given a month’s supply of corn & beans (for
seed & eating) as their farewell gift from our program.
Recently orphaned babies & small children are already flowing buy medicine online in to fill
the spots vacated by these 80 families.
Our goal is to help the older orphans to become independent, as we don’t
want these teenagers to become a “hand me out” generation.
These families & their teenage orphans will now use their farming skills
to provide food for themselves & the younger orphans in their households.
Alejandro, Sylvia, & our Moz. pastors painted the new pre-school tables
built by our carpenters during the rainy season. LITTLE DISCIPLES, our
new Christian children’s program for 4 and 5 year olds in our neighborhood
will begin next week. This program will instill the Word of God into the
kids as well as give them a “head start” on their Portuguese language
skills, ABC’s & numbers so they are better equipped to enter the first
grade at age 6.
Monday, May 11th, will find us all in the villages as our teams weigh &
transport TONS of dried beans grown by the widows & other agricultural
coops in our area villages.
It takes a large number of strong men to accomplish this.
SIX to eight men each on our tractor which pulls a 5 ton trailer, & our
six ton truck.
A minimum of 30 men at the warehouse to offload, process, & store the food
in the barns.
Our well trained crews move up to 20 tons in a day by hand or on their
heads as is the African way.
Because of our increased work load, I am sending this “update” this month
instead of a full newsletter.
FOR THE NEXT 6 WEEKS, we will be buying a year’s food supply for the
Short updates will be posted on my website BLOG during these 6 weeks.
Don’t expect any newsletters as I won’t have time to write.
THE BUSH BUNNY BLOG can be found on our website:
For hassle free updates, you can subscribe which automatically sends my
updates to your e‑mail address.
A regular newsletter will appear at the end of June after all the food is
in the barn.
PLEASE KEEP US IN YOUR PRAYERS, & feel free to write me notes at
Our cell phones allow us to have a form of “slower than dial up” internet,
but it’s better than nothing.
I can now access my internet address enough to be able to download your
So please don’t hesitate to write. Our entire team loves to get updated
news from you, (personal, local, national) as we hear NOTHING over here
unless someone writes & tells us.
Many have said, “I know you are busy, so I don’t want to bother you”.
WRITE ME! It’s no bother. I’m hungry to hear from you & share all your
news with my team.
Blessings to all of you.
Bush Bunny Brenda
April 25,2009 Mulitiple Blessings in Moz
Returning to Mozambique is always a slight culture shock with the sudden changes to 3rd world “sights, sounds & HOT, humid temperatures”. I usually arrive home to a “hornets nest” full of problems that need resolving. However, this time, the Lord had several surprises for me.
I can tell you that in my 19 years in Moz., I have NEVER seen problems resolved as fast as things happened this week!
In no way was I expecting God to give us the answers to multiple prayers in the first 5 days I was in Moz.
We can now go forth with the bean buying & water wells without delays.
Here’s the story in a nut shell.
1. NEED for a water well license has been a GREAT prayer request for over a year!
Monday, April 20th, I met with 4 water well drilling companies in Pemba, but none would allow us to drill under their license. (Licensing is SO complex in this country that even commercial companies find it hard to comply with all the regulations.)
Ali, my office manager, hears of a Christian brother who has a drilling license, & locates him on Monday afternoon.
Ali phones Monday night saying that “Salvador” (meaning Savior in Portuguese), is willing to meet with me on Tuesday if I provide him with 20 liters of diesel to make the trip to Balama. Within 30 minutes of his arrival the agreement was a “done deal”, & Salvador has taught us the “government process” for requesting to drill.
He’s coming out this week to help us file the proper documents after we locate areas that are good prospects for water wells.
2. Water Well Pumps are in! It usually takes at least a month to get water well pumps sent the 1,000 miles from Maputo in southern Moz. to Pemba in the north.
The five pumps arrived within 1 week! Eric picked them up yesterday, & we off loaded them into our warehouse online prescription drugs this morning. All materials are now on site so that water well drilling can begin as soon as the documents are approved.
3. BEAN BUYING to go full steam ahead (a month early).
Due to illegal buyers in the area, we have been granted permission to begin buying beans on Monday, April 27th.
Funds are still needed to complete the task, as we need 50 tons of beans to feed our kids for the next year. Other businessmen are already buying them at 20 cents/lb for resale in other countries, so we cannot delay. Still need funding for at least 750 kids.
Beans for 1 child COST ONLY $30 FOR THE YEAR!
If you want to help, then please send your love gift to:
PMB #391
11152 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77042
God’s Blessings to you all.
I’ll try to update this blog each weekend. Stay tuned for the “rest of God’s story in Balama”.
Bush Bunny Brenda
New miracle stories from Bush Bunny Brenda
For those who don’t know my background, my heart’s desire as a child was to be an old west pioneer. I even told God I was mad at Him because I was born too late. God gives us our hearts desires if we just ask Him. I just never expected my desire to land me in a remote part of Africa, rescuing & evangelizing orphans where “no one else wants to go”.
On our home page, you will notice that I’ve written a book called AFRICAN ADVENTURES. In the 18 years I’ve been rescueing kids in Africa, I’ve faced death more than 17 times. Many of these miracle stories as well as the first 11 attempts on my life are in this book. Many tales of the deadly mamba snake, lions, or a machete throwing native are told in AFRICAN ADVENTURES. Since I haven’t the time to write a sequel at this time, the “REST OF THE STORY” will have to be told in this blog for now. Two of my most recent adventures are written below.
In January, 2009, I went into our Moz. office to write a few e‑mails. A misisonary woman from MAF was with me. Normally, I go out the back door of the office when it’s time to lock up the outdoor kitchen at night, but that day I felt a strong urging in my spirit man to lock up & go out the passage way door instead. As we walked through the carport towards the kitchen, my friend saw movement to her left & screamed “look at that!” Turning to my left, I froze in amazement because a 5 foot black mamba was stretched out on the top of the truck’s bed, RIGHT WHERE THE BACK DOOR OPENS!
Yelling, “COBRA, COBRA”, brought the guards running with their 12 foot bamboo poles. They surrounded the truck as I yelled “Don’t ruin the paint job!” (That was our newest truck!) Four men appeared instead of 2 as the guards were changing shifts. Surrounding the truck scared the snake, which fell off the top of the truck bed into the bed itself.
His head appeared on the opposite side of the truck bed looking like a 4 inch periscope from a submarine. Seeing no exit from that direction, the mamba did a retreat, climbing behind the spare tire that was mounted on the back of the truck’s cab. It then slid down & wedged himself into that little 1 inch spot between the cab & the bed of the truck. I told the men to hold him there while I went into the house to retreive my machete. The safest thing was to tie that machete to a bamboo pole & stick that snake in the side to make him come out. My guard, Americo, took the machete from me & saying, “that’s too much trouble”. He looked at the position of the snake & changed to the other side of the truck for a certain hit. His position put him in the 3 foot space between the office wall & the truck. Swinging that machete at lightening speed, Americo cut that snake’s body. Known for their aggressive behaviour when provoked, that mamba dropped to the ground, racing straight for Americo. It was all out war as the 4 men swung their bamboos like flashing swords, breaking his back & bashing in his head. Not one spot of paint was lost off that truck. 🙂
In these last days, TROUBLE WILL COME. But those who believe in the MASTER, Jesus Christ, & HEAD HIS VOICE will be saved from many a peril.
It’s 1pm on the last Saturday in December, 2008. I’m working in the office when I hear a horrible sound like someone ripping open a huge tin can. I’d heard it before, & knew a powerful Dust Devil whirlwind had just ripped off a tin room nearby. Fearing for the worst, I raced out the door to check our food barns in the far corner of our 40 acre mission station. The barn with our entire bean supply for the orphans had only half a roof. The entire front side of the roof, wood trusses & all, had been snapped in half & flipped over onto the back side of the barn. The tin sheets were waving in the wind.
A quick look told me that immediate action was all that would save our ONLY protein sources for the orphans, for a glance at the horizon told me a large thunder storm would be upon us within 3 hours. This barn contained 40 TONS of dried beans, 2 tons of peanuts, & 10 tons of rice.
Racing into town in my pick-up truck, I grabbed 14 of our workers. As fast as humanly possible, they grabbed the 40 lb. bags of peanuts & RAN with them to another nearby barn. Our tractor driver had heard of our disaster & came to help even though he was sick with malaria. With the tractor, the 110 lb bags of rice were moved into the large corn barn about 75 yards away. The last 4 bags of rice were literally thrown into the barn doors as the first large rain drops hit the ground.
While they moved the rice, I picked up every truck tarp we had in the compound. The men quickly covering the beans just as a wall of rain hit the area, pouring tons of water through the torn sheets of tin onto the tarps which now covered the beans.
We had done all we could for the moment, as the sun was setting & everyone was exhausted. I asked the men to agree with me that God would somehow protect these beans during this storm. Even though most were not believers in Jesus Christ, they bowed their heads as I asked the Lord to protect our orphan’s food. As we left, I asked all the men to return & bring a friend at sunup the next day to help move the 40 tons of beans. ( FYI: Sunup is 4:30 a.m. in December.)
That rain storm poured buckets till 9p.m. that night, as I continued to thank the Lord for protecting our beans. For you see, those tin barn walls were sealed by the concrete floor to protect the food from rats. That meant the water flowing into the barn could only escape through the small crack under the barn doors. I envisioned a swimming pool gush when I opened the doors the next morning.
The next morning 25 men showed up to help move the beans, one 110 lb bag at a time on their head. But the entire group froze in total dismay when I opened those barn doors. Instead of a gush of water, we were amazed to see a room divided down the middle. The front half which had no roof was damp, but no water was standing. The back half of the room was DUST DRY! I could blow the dust off the floor where all the beans were stacked. It looked like someone, a BIG SOMEONE, had put a giant shower curtain down the middle of the room. NOT ONE BAG OF BEANS WAS EVEN DAMP! So all was saved!
We wasted no time in moving those beans, as we all knew it would take a few hours to get them stacked into the corn warehouse about 70 yards away. I wasn’t aware of it, but the men had talked among themselves & planned to do it really fast as they didn’t want me to be late for church (9a.m. start time). We closed the doors to both warehouses at 9 a.m. sharp!
In 6 days, our carpenters had the roof replaced & double reinforced.
The cheap Propecia food in that warehouse is to last us till June, 2009.
Looks like the Lord’s mighty hand will keep our kids well fed once again.
I hope these stories bless & encourage you. Being able to “blog” makes me feel closer to all of you. It’s like I can really TALK to you from my heart. Happy Trails, until we meet again!