FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: APRIL 17, 2021 BABY BOY OLIVIO JOINS OUR FAMILY Born October 28, 2020, OLIVIO lost his mother 21 days later from post partum complications. His very elderly Granny and Uncle did their best to care for him, but they struggled to meet his needs. The Granny was too frail to make the long trip to fetch baby formula every 14 days, so the Uncle brought him 40km/24 miles by bicycle. ![]() Elderly Uncle rode bicycle 40 km/24 mi so Olivio could have milk For several weigh-ins, Olivio did not gain weight. Social Services was called and a home visit was made that very day. This elderly family agreed to release this orphan to us, as they realized they were too old to care for him. Only 4.1kg/9 lbs at 6 months, Olivio is VERY content with his new “mama”, Vaneza. ![]() Veneza receives newest family member, Olivio He is eagerly eating every 2–3 hours, which is normal for a baby who has not been getting the nourishment needed. Otherwise, he is perfectly healthy. Vaneza was very relieved to receive such a healthy, happy little boy. Olivio will help her heal from the loss of Christiano, whom she dearly loved. OLIVIO NEEDS A $40/MONTH SPONSOR, as milk and baby food prices have increased. Please email me if you would like to sponsor this precious little one. LATEST TRIPLETS FIGHT TO SURVIVE Born at 2.4 to 3.5kg/5.2lbs. to 7.7lbs., these 3 little ones have struggled with respiratory illnesses that hospitalized them April 1st. They lost weight, but are fighting to regain it. Each has now managed to hit the 3.5 to 4kg mark at 8 weeks. It is a miracle they have all survived with the challenges of being raised in a remote village. ![]() Newest triplets making progress Plz pray for the blockage of any further setbacks, as their frail little bodies are working very hard at surviving already. NEW SANDBOX A BIG HIT AT ZEBRA HOUSE ![]() New Sandbox at Zebra house a great hit! With the construction shutdown in 2020 due to CV19, our newest home never received its sandbox. The 4 older children, plus our fast growing Adelina and Maezinha, are THRILLED to have such a great play area THANKS TO A SPECIAL LOVE GIFT! PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR ALL OF US AS WE FACE NEW CHALLENGES EACH DAY AS OUR FAMILY GROWS. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF. |
Author Archives: Kim Hartman
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: APRIL 10, 2021 CHRISTIANO MEETS JESUS Christiano fought bravely, but the Sepsis (blood infection) was stronger than the medications could handle. We miss him dearly, but at the same time, know that he has a new body and is happily playing in heaven. Please pray for foster mother Vaneza, our “miracle Mom”. A member of the hospital staff told me that her care was “exceptionally good”, giving this little boy all the love and encouragement she could give. His graduation to heaven has hit her very hard, for she loved him as her own. ![]() Christiano before his illness began. HOUSE #7 OVER 50% COMPLETED With only a small group of brick-layers working to complete this children’s complex, I wanted to update you on what they have accomplished. The 4 bedrooms are now complete. The kitchen/ dining area is 60 % completed with the brick walls ready for the roofers to begin next Monday. ![]() Kitchen/dining room ready for roof on Monday. While the roofers work on that building, the brick layers will begin the bathroom foundation. With our massive, 2‑month food buying season just 7 weeks away, this project will hopefully be completed by October. ![]() 4 Bedrooms of Orphan Home #7 completed. HARVEST TIME IS UPON US. Our teenage “Life Skills” group have worked hard to prove they can provide food for themselves as well as to sell. Farming, no matter what your profession, is essential to all rural residents. ![]() Teens working to clear weeds for a better harvest. Thank you to all of you for your special prayer support for the many challenges that face us. We continue to reach out to the multitudes weekly with God’s love. Blessings, BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: APRIL 3, 2021 HELDER MAKES IT TO 1ST ELIMINATIONS Friday, Capena took Helder to Montepuez for his interview and elimination test, competing with over 600 students out of the 1,050 who took the test. They are competing for 190 positions at the teachers college. He needs God’s favor so please pray for him as the competition is really tough. Sadly, Alferes and Ali’s test scores were not good enough to make the cut. ![]() Helder awaits exam results. Results of who will receive those 190 positions will be announced after April 10th. Please pray for favor, that the judges liked his answers at the interview. NOTE: Alferes and Ali will enter the 12th grade class on Monday. Thankfully, they only missed 1 week of school. Helder, who has completed 12th grade, will help out with odd jobs around our mission until his final results at teachers college are announced. MORE BABIES DEPENDING ON OUR MILK PROGRAM Presently, 30 infants are receiving baby formula in our program and 8 of those infants are living with us. Newborns are totally milk dependent until their 4th month. At that time rice cereal followed by either our special Hypo or other baby cereals are slowly introduced into their diet. ![]() This wee 3‑day-old orphan has a chance at life thanks to your generous formula gifts. ![]() 1‑year-old malnourished boy receives Hypo cereal to boost his energy and protein intake. Last week alone, we received 2 new infants into the milk formula program, and 1 malnourished 1‑year-old into the food program. ![]() Grandmother and baby’s father eagerly listen to Anna’s instructions, as this newborn’s life depends on it. CHRISTIANO FIGHTING TO LIVE Christiano has an eye infection and sepsis (blood infection). A 3rd blood transfusion was given this week to boost his immunity. The fact that he is STILL ALIVE is a faith builder to us all, for his little frail body is fighting against great odds. A JESUS MIRACLE IS NEEDED. Please keep him in your daily prayers. A video link is shown, below, to let you see what a fighter he is. ![]() To see Christiano video in YouTube, click this link —-> Note: An infant only needs 100ml of blood to bring his hemoglobin up to normal. Since blood doesn’t keep long, we donate the balance of the blood to help other infants with post-malaria anemia. This week, 2 other infants benefited from Christiano’s blood packet. HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY TO YOU ALL! BLESSINGS BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: MARCH 27, 2021 OUR CHILDREN ARE GROWING UP! As all you parents know, you are hugging your precious infant one day, and the next you’re sending them off to school. We only have 4 under 5‑year-olds now as well as the 8 new infants who are NOT IN SCHOOL. All our first graders this year were received here as infants 5 to 6 years ago. How time flies! ![]() 3 little ones on the right came to us as infants with Sozinho and Joenetta entering 1st grade, and Daniel on far right is now a 2nd grader. Enjoy the photos of some of our families as the children receive their final school supplies we managed to buy this week. Not an easy task to buy for as we now have 71 of our children in 1st to 12th grades. ![]() Sandra (pink shirt in front line) grew up here from infancy and is now a 1st grader. Monica (hooded jacket) will attempt 2nd grade. Please pray her strength holds up. ![]() The Fabulous 5 is now the Fantastic 4, as the 2nd oldest girl, (not shown), decided to marry and left us a few weeks ago. Pressing on, these 4 want to complete their high school education. ![]() With Ali, Alferes, and Helder possibly leaving for teacher’s college, Samuel will become the oldest in the dorm at 18 in the 12th grade. With only a 2‑day notice last week that schools would open on Monday, March 21st, it was a scramble to find all the needed supplies, for not even the Pemba suppliers were ready for this. YOUR LOVE GIFTS AT WORK! THANK YOU FOR MAKING THESE SUPPLIES POSSIBLE. BUSH BUNNY TIDBITS 1. ALI, HELDER, AND ALFERES, the 3 young men who applied for teachers college, are still awaiting results. 2. BABY CHRISTIANO remains in the hospital due to an eye infection and his low weight (4kg at 10 months of age). He is a fighter, with great perseverance, for the staff are surprised his body is showing signs of improvement against great odds. God is giving him supernatural strength, so please keep your prayers going heavenly for him. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: MARCH 20, 2021 BACK TO SCHOOL, HOORAY! On Tuesday this week, the announcement was made that all schools would open on Monday, March 22nd. Children 12 and up are required to wear a mask in the classroom. Our children’s school uniforms were ready, as we had prepared for this in February. ![]() Giving out school supplies on Wednesday. On Wednesday, excitement was in the air as school supplies were handed out to 92 of our resident children. The children are THRILLED to go back to school, see their friends, and once again have regular activities. HAPPY FEET HEADED TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY, THANKS TO YOUR LOVE GIFTS! ORPHANS RAISING ORPHANS Aunt Joneta, an orphan herself, lived in our first foster home when we opened our Balama program in 2002. Fifteen years later, she herself is a foster mother to 4 orphaned children whose parents were distant relatives. ![]() Aunt Joneta and the 4 orphans she fosters in her home. These children are supported with food, clothes, school uniforms, shoes, and school supplies through your Love Gifts. PAYING IT FORWARD takes on a whole new meaning when someone sacrifices by giving their full time love and devotion to others because someone cared when they themself needed a helping hand. VISITORS FROM AFAR Thursday, a group of 4 leaders from Social Services toured our 6 children’s homes. Their purpose was to inform us of new living standards due to the CV 19 problems. ![]() Social Services visitors from National and State offices. We were already in compliance with all except the distance of 1.5 meters (5 feet) between the children’s beds. By changing our single beds to all metal bunk beds in several of our older bedrooms, we will be in total compliance in the next several weeks. BUSH BUNNY TIDBITS 1. Alferes, Helder, and Ali took the 4 hour college entrance exam on Wednesday. They felt confident they did well on the Portuguese test, but said the math was much more difficult. With 1,050+ applicants taking the exam, we hope they will announce the results next week. 2. Christiano remains in the hospital, as lab work showed he has an infection that his meds hadn’t defeated. His doctor told us he may not be able to fight it off in his malnourished state. Daily fervent prayer has resulted in steady improvement that no one can explain. PLZ KEEP PRAYING FOR CHRISTIANO’S FULL RECOVERY. AS I TOLD THE STAFF WHEN GIVEN THIS GRIM PROGNOSIS, “It’s not over until God says it’s time to go home”. PRAYING FOR A MIRACLE. Blessings to you all! BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: MARCH 13, 2021 GOD’S AMBASSADORS DELIVER LIFE SAVING SUPPLIES On March 9th, Dave H., a missionary pilot, flew into southern Mozambique to fetch a load of assorted life saving supplies that included Hypo cereal for malnourished infants. May seem like a small thing to many, but this trip took weeks of planning by our ground team. ![]() Pilot Dave unloading the Hypo packets. The Hypo Plus Power Food is an instant cereal with 23% soy protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. Mixed with warm infant formula, Hypo provides our malnourished infants with what their body desperately needs for steady weight gain and building muscle mass. MUCH THANKS TO THE PILOT, DAVE, AND OUR LAND CREW OF ERIC, CHANELLE, AND SIMBA, WHO WORKED LONG HOURS TO COORDINATE AND TRANSPORT THESE ESSENTIAL SUPPLIES. See the video of the missionary plane landing on a dirt strip near us at this link. CHRISTIANO FIRST TO BENEFIT FROM HYPO Christiano, still in the hospital, began eating his power-packed Hypo food yesterday, and is tolerating it well. Due to a 500gm (1 lb.) weight loss caused by his severe gastrointestinal infection, Christiano will remain in the hospital until his frail little body has gained weight. Hopefully, with the Hypo now in the mix, his stay can be shortened. PLEASE CONTINUE PRAYING FOR HIS FULL RECOVERY. ![]() Christiano needs your prayers. Cristiano is so tolerant of all that is going on, and I praise the Lord for our “Miracle Mother”, Vanessa, for all her hard work as his primary care giver. DIXON’S mother is the relief mother working with Vaneza at the hospital. No one knows better than her how a diet with Hypo can save a child. Her son, Dixon was in this same critical condition at 4 months old. Thanks to Hypo and good care, Dixon is now a strong 8‑year-old in 2nd grade! ![]() 8‑year-old Dixon and his pet chicken. (inset) Dixon when he first came to our O.U. family at 4‑months-old and received life-saving hypo. THREE TEENS FACE MAJOR EXAM ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17TH Please keep Helder, Ali, and Alferes in prayer as this exam can open the door to 18 months of teachers training for these three hard-working orphans. They are the first orphans in our program to qualify for higher education. ![]() Helder, Ali, and Alferes take life changing exam this week. THE FIRST FRUIT OF THE LAST 18 YEARS! THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS POSSIBLE FOR THESE YOUNG MEN. BLESSINGS BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: MARCH 6, 2021 URGENT PRAYER NEED Baby Christiano, only 4.5kg/9.9 lbs. at 10 months, had to be admitted to the hospital late yesterday afternoon for life-threatening gastroenteritis. ![]() Christiano needs your prayers. This little boy was eating everything placed before him and doing well until yesterday, so his illness is a mystery to us all. He is receiving IV electrolytes and IV meds to try and stop his diarrhea. After 24 hrs there has been little change. He needs a miracle touch from our Lord. Plz join our staff in prayer for his healing. 3 TEENS TAKE COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMS NEXT WEEK! Helder, a 12th grade graduate, as well as Ali, and Alferes, 11th graders, are eligible to take the entrance exam for the Montepuez teachers college. EXAM DATE: MARCH 17th! Subjects tested: Math and Portuguese ![]() Helder, Ali, and Alferes facing big challenge on 17th. Over 1,050 students are competing for the 190 student seats in this 18 month training course. Graduates will be placed in teaching positions for grades 1 to 7 in many villages and towns throughout this province/state. Thanks to your generous help, we have the text books they need to study! Keep them in prayer as this is a big challenge for them. SWING AWAY! Our children waited patiently for new swing parts to be located, as they totally wore out the 1st set of swings. The new set is getting a good workout as I see our kids lined up daily to take a fun swing even though skies are still dark with rain clouds. ![]() Swings going full force again We received about 2 inches/50mm PER DAY this week, bringing most of our work to a halt. Many blessings and thanks to all of you who are making this “home for the innocent” a great success! BLESSINGS, BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: FEBRUARY 27, 2021 JESUS RAISES THE DEAD! Pastor Gito, in the remote area of Impire, 17 miles/34 km from Balama town, received a 3 a.m. phone call on Feb. 24th. The caller told him that Andre, the 7‑year-old son of a church member, had just died of a twisted intestine in his hernia. Gito told them to leave the boy just as he was, DO NOT prepare him for burial. Gito called 2 elders from the church, and they all met at this family’s mud hut. Gito laid hands on the cold body commanding LIFE to return to this boy’s body in the NAME OF JESUS! AS THEY PRAYED WITH AUTHORITY IN JESUS NAME, ANDRE OPENED HIS EYES AND LOOKED AROUND THE ROOM! Everyone gasped, then shouted with joy! Gito had them take Andre to the local hospital as proof that Jesus had completely healed him. Two days later, as Gito gave this testimony, he reported that Andre has been playing without any pain or problems following his death. JESUS, THE MIGHTY HEALER! AWESOME SAVIOR BEYOND WORDS! ![]() Pastors received their March to May food. Gito is man on far left. SALVATIONS IN FEBRUARY 20 ADULTS, 32 TEENAGERS, AND 73 CHILDREN ALMOST KIDNAPPED Yesterday at 1pm, I was driving to house #6, when I spotted 11-year-old Nordino from the Lion House walking out of our neighborhood with a 22ish-year-old man I had never seen before. ![]() LION HOUSE KIDS. Nordino is wearing the blue/white jacket. The man had his arm around Nordino’s shoulder, and tried to hide him in a corn field next to the road when he saw my car. I stopped the car near them calling Nordino to come to me. The man hid his face from me and quickly walked away from Nordino. I knew right then, my timing was Divine in nature. 60 SECONDS LATER, and I would never had seen them. Nordino said the man told him he was a friend of his family, and wanted to take him to the local market to buy something. Child traffickers are rare in our area, but this incident put all our staff and foster mothers on full alert. Local officials have been notified and our staff has begun to better educate our children on the wiles of the devil’s workers. PRAISE JESUS THAT NORDINO IS SAFE! PLEASE KEEP ALL OUR CHILDREN IN PRAYER FOR SAFETY AND WISDOM AS MANY ARE AT THIS VULNERABLE AGE. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: FEBRUARY 20, 2021 RESCUING MULTIPLE LITTLE ONES IS NEVER EASY For 5 days, our staff has worked tirelessly to save 4 innocent babies suffering from abuse of some form. Three had to be admitted to the hospital this week, and a fourth was released to us on Friday after being admitted last week. Three of these innocent infants were on deaths door with post-malaria anemia beyond belief! Hemoglobins for all three ranged from 4 to 6, with 10 to 14 being normal. How they survived with little blood is a miracle for sure! ![]() CHRISTIANO, at our home after a rough 2 weeks in hospital. All 3 had different blood types, so the hospital and our staff scrambled to find blood donors. Mercifully, the Lord led us to 3 men with the right blood types, and all 3 have received life-saving transfusions. Little Gilda, a severely neglected twin, is now 4 weeks old and only 2.3 kg/5 lbs. She was released to us from the hospital on Monday after treatment for malaria and severe malnutrition because her mother rejected her. ![]() GILDA, sleeping after infection almost took her life Friday. An old tradition in this culture teaches that in multiple births, the mother’s milk can only support 1 baby, so she must choose which infant will live, and reject the other. This was true in the past decades, but not now, since through YOUR LOVE GIFTS, formula is available. Gilda developed a high fever on Friday afternoon and I had to rush her back to the hospital. She is responding slowly to IV meds, but the source of her fever is unknown. ![]() Julio, orphan neglected by Aunt, suffers from malaria and anemia. Please uphold the infants and all of us with prayer, as it has been emotionally stressful for us as we seemed to rush from one emergency to the next. BLESSINGS TO ALL OF YOU FOR MAKING THESE RESCUES POSSIBLE. NOTE: Baby Sinaida not shown, but received the needed transfusion yesterday and is slowly improving. Her grandmother loves loves her dearly, and is the one caring for her. NOTE TO MY TEXAS FRIENDS Know I prayed for all of you this week as you battled the elements to stay warm. My own Father at age 91, survived, thanks to many, especially Kim from our office. She donated warming devices to my Dad since his nursing home suffered a heating loss. Thanks to her 4 wheel drive, she was able to get to his residence. MY HEARTFELT THANKS TO ALL THE TEXAS AND LOUISIANA LINEMEN, THE TRUCKERS AND RANCHERS WHO LEFT FAMILY AND RISKED THEIR LIVES TO HELP RESTORE POWER AND KEEP FOOD ON THE STORE SHELVES IN THIS CRISIS. BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 2021 TWO INFANTS WILL JOIN OUR FAMILY ON MONDAY Friday, Feb. 12th, I received a call stating that a baby girl twin, and an unrelated orphaned baby boy, should be released from the hospital on Monday and they definitely needed our expert care. This meant our staff had to switch into high gear to prepare places for them. The baby girl’s mother is not healthy, and she is unable to care for both twins. The little orphaned boy, almost 1 year old, was admitted for severe malnutrition and neglect. Still VERY fragile, these 2 infants will stay with us until Social Services deems otherwise. ![]() Twin baby girl held by fragile Mom (right side of photo) YOUR PRAYERS ARE GREATLY NEEDED for these 2 little “fighters” for they are truly strong in spirit. I will get you names and updated photos next week. BOTH BABIES NEED SPONSORS at $40/month, as costs are rising for raising an infant. Thanks for helping us save the innocent. For they are precious in God’s sight. HEAVY RAINS THIS WEEK DAMPEN ALL ACTIVITIES BUT FARMERS HAPPY! Only minimal work was done this week due to heavy morning rains and lots of mud. Our roads are only dirt, so we sing “slip sliding away” a lot around here. ![]() Our 3 Amigos eye a large mud puddle just outside their home. Our children had activities on our concrete basketball court when the morning rains temporarily stopped as you can see at this link or by clicking the photo, below. Water, mud, and kids left our Foster Mothers with extra washing that somehow dried, thanks to to windy weather. Games on basketball court when ground is muddy. The corn and rice fields around us are flourishing as you can see in these 2 photos. Food takes priority over all else in the rainy season, so we are thankful for the right amount of rain at the right time. ![]() Corn is growing tall and strong this year. ![]() Rice fields flourishing with all this rain. MANY BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |