Pastor Alberto was walking to his mud hut at 6pm (dark) last night in Namuno District/county, 25 miles (42 km) south of our Balama mission, when he was bitten by a well camouflaged Adder (rattlesnake without a rattle, thus no warning). They are called the “silent killers” in Africa for they wait till their prey practically puts a foot right in front of their mouth before they strike with lightning speed.
BBC Youth Director, Bertino, Alberto’s son, called me at 6:30pm Thursday night to tell me of the incident. He requested permission to fetch Alberto on his motorbike, and take him to the Namuno Hospital. Traveling that dangerous road in a 4X4 at night is basically impossible, but motorbikes can make it with lots of careful driving. I immediately gave permission, and alerted our worldwide prayer chain for both men would be in peril until safely back in Balama.
Bertino’s motorbike broke down halfway to Namuno District, so he called his father to say he couldn’t make it. (Bertino didn’t tell me of the breakdown and spent the night in the open bush, waiting to call me for help at 4am. Bertino knew a 4X4 couldn’t risk fetching him till daylight at 5 a.m. so didn’t want to wake me.
Alberto got a friend to take him to the Namuno hospital, but their limited resources meant he needed transfer to a hospital with the needed medications as soon as possible. Balama has such resources, PTL!
THAT’S WHERE YOUR PRAYERS SAVED HIS LIFE LAST NIGHT! For like I said, it was impossible to fetch him with a 4x4 pick-up until daylight due to the dangerous road.
After finding out about Bertino’s problem at 4 am, I notified our 4 drivers to report to work IMMEDIATELY. It would be daylight by 5 am, making it less risky to travel on this dangerous road that few 4X4’s attempt during the rainy season. Thankfully, we are having a few dry days at the moment, so the road was “passable with great care” for expert 4X4 drivers.
Our 4 drivers left in 2 trucks by 4:30am. One truck would bring back the broken motorbike, while the other truck took Bertino and our 2 best off-road drivers to Namuno to transfer Alberto to the Balama Hospital. It was slow going, but they made it back to Balama by 8 am. I had notified the Balama hospital staff, so they were ready upon his arrival with the needed IV medications.
Alberto is now resting comfortably under close observation in the Emergency Room with an IV drip and IV medications. The head Emergency Room nurse said he would be admitted later today for at least 2 days to make sure all the swelling and infection in his lymph nodes and leg are gone.
Even though Alberto’s ankle and leg were badly swollen last night, much of the swelling had decreased by the time he was taken to the Balama hospital. (NOT NORMAL) The fang marks were visible near his right ankle, BUT THE MUSCLE TISSUE DAMAGE NORMALLY CAUSED BY RATTLESNAKE POISON WAS NOT PRESENT!!! (NOT NORMAL)
As an ICU nurse in San Antonio, Texas, I have treated post Rattlesnake bite victims who had to have their legs opened surgically from knee to ankle after a bite like this, or LOSE THE LEG due to the excessive swelling and tissue destruction caused by the poison. Alberto’s leg only shows generalized swelling with excessive pain mainly in his lymph nodes In the pelvic area. (NOT NORMAL).
It is very rare for anyone to survive a snake bite in this area, especially with only minor medical care in the first 14 hours. No on doubts that our Lord is at work here. We thank you for your immediate prayers during our night, which absolutely activated the Holy Spirit to save his life.
Due to my busy schedule with all that is going on, I will continue by normal blogs on Feb. 15th. Thank you for continuing to pray for all of us.
FYI. My workers killed 3 of these same “Adders” (rattlesnakes) just 50 yards/meters from my house last week. That is why we work hard to keep our entire area “grass free” in the rainy season. Give them no place to hide, and everyone is much safer walking across your yard.
Bush Bunny Brenda Lange
And the Balama Staff