FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“DATE: APRIL 18, 2020 RESURRECTION EGGS– A BIG HIT ON EASTER SUNDAY With the churches closed, our children met in their small home groups. No exposure to children other than the ones they live with. This meant our Youth Pastors had to do several presentations, but it all went smoothly, and the children loved the RESURRECTION EGG PRESENTATION along with the large color pictures of Jesus and his final act of love for us. ![]() Teaching the Resurrection story of Jesus in small house groups to our orphans. If you’re not familiar with these “break open” Plastic Eggs, each egg is filled with 1 miniature piece that tells the entire Resurrection Story of Jesus. Starts with the tiny donkey that he rode upon entry to Jerusalem, and ends with the WHITE EMPTY EGG representing His ascension. This is really a great tool for teaching small groups, so give it a try! The eggs were brought over by a friend from the USA. ![]() Carlitos Jorge, head of BBC, demonstrates Resurrection Eggs with miniature figures inside. We are very grateful that all our children remain healthy and super active during this time of world health challenges. TRIPLET CHALLENGES Two of the triplet girls born on April 2nd presented with serious health challenges this week. Sadly, the little girl, Rosinha, who weighed only 1kg (2.2lbs.) passed away from respiratory complications at the Balama Hospital Thursday night, April 16th. Her sister, Rosa, weighing only 2 kg (4.4lbs) was diagnosed and admitted with Malaria. Malaria is deadly to an infant of only 15 days, making her survival a matter of intense prayer. She needs a Jesus miracle for sure. ![]() Triplet girls. Rosinha far right and Rosa in the middle. The older TRIPLETS (2 boys and a girl) born on March 15th are looking stronger and gaining weight. I take my hat off to this mother, who is raising these 3 babies with only the help of her young son and daughter. ![]() Triplets (2 boys and a girl) gaining weight and looking stronger. Keep praying for this family, as the babies are still very vulnerable. Since they all weigh between 5 and 7 lbs. (2.35kg to 3.2kg) at one month of age, these 3 have a good chance of survival. LENDING A HELPING HAND The 12 beds made for the Balama hospital by a local welder were ready for transport last Wednesday. We were asked to lend a hand since our long bed 6‑ton-truck could carry them all at one time to their needed location. The beds were taken to the new Ntete Clinic Building about 6 miles (12 km) from Balama, and will be used as an isolation ward if virus patients present in our area. ![]() Loading new beds onto our 6‑ton-truck. At this time there is no virus in our area, and we PTL for that! TOGETHER WE ARE KEEPING JESUS’ CHILDREN SAFE AND HEALTHY. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED PRAYERS AND LOVE GIFTS EVEN DURING YOUR OWN PERSONAL CHALLENGES. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
Author Archives: Kim Hartman
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“DATE: APRIL 11, 2020 JESUS’FOLDED NAPKIN AND IT’S TRUE MEANING Did you ever wonder why the disciple John told IN DETAIL about the cloth that covered Jesus’ face in the tomb? It was neatly folded and laid to one side, while the rest of the burial clothes were left in a heap on the burial stone. Here’s the story behind that most important “sign”. In Hebrew culture, when the master of the house left the dinner table, he either left his napkin in a heap or he folded it nicely and set it beside his plate. A heaped up napkin told the servants that the master was finished eating, and they could clear the table. THE NICELY FOLDED NAPKIN told the servants, leave the table as it is, I’M COMING BACK! OUR LORD JESUS IS COMING BACK! He left us this most important “sign” for He knew the Jewish people would know it’s meaning. JESUS’ RESURRECTION WAS ONLY HIS FIRST STEP. HE WILL SEE US VERY SOON! A FACT to use when talking to unbelievers. HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY! BUSH BUNNY TIDBITS 1. All our children are healthy and going about their daily routines, while the foster mothers are anxiously waiting for the school to reopen, hopefully in May. Our school year begins Feb. 1st and ends late October each year, so our children still have time to catch up on their lessons. ![]() Our Victory House kids in their new school uniforms earlier this year. 2. Baby Angelina (held by her foster mother, Balbina), gives us a big smile after she completed her “weekly weigh in”. ![]() Baby Angelina smiles for us all. At 6 months of age, she now weighs 5.9 kg (13 lbs.) That is what a lot of loving care and the proper foods can do for a malnourished baby. YOUR LOVE GIFTS MADE THIS POSSIBLE! 3. MORE TRIPLETS! Three tiny girls this time, with the smallest little girl, Rosinha, (2.2 lbs or 1 kg), struggling. She tires easily when trying to take a bottle. I showed the family how she must be given small amounts of milk every hour in daytime and every 2 hours at night, if she is to gain strength. ![]() Triplet girls received April 9th. The other 2 girls (Rosa and Rosalina) are much stronger at double her weight. Please keep all 3 of them in your prayers. 4. The 1st set of triplets (2 boys and a girl) received March 19th are all doing well. They are showing good weight gain (thanks to your prayer power). ![]() The triplets we met in March, with their mother on the far right. The little girl, Marcia, who was the weakest, is doing much better as she gained 300gms this week, and is looking much stronger. HAPPY EASTER, AND MAY YOU CONTINUE TO BLESS OTHERS AS YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THIS WEEK. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“DATE: APRIL 4, 2020 BOARD MEMBER, J.L. OBENHAUS, DANCING WITH JESUS J.L. OBENHAUS, an Orphans Unlimited Board Member and dear friend, graduated to heaven on April 3rd after a bout with Pneumonia (not Covid-19 related). ![]() Longtime Orphans Unlimited board member, J.L. Obenhaus J.L. LOVED JESUS! J.L. was always helping someone, which is what Jesus expects of all of us. An active church member, rancher, gardener, and lover of children, J.L. came to our Balama mission station about 10 years ago to get a feel for what we really do here. He planted an Ata Fruit tree (sometimes called a Sugar Apple here), which bears a sweet fruit each year that our children dearly love. That tree is a constant reminder to me that J.L. loved our children and our Evangelistic Program. ![]() J.L. ‘s Ata Fruit tree with Brenda showing 1 of the Atas. Survived by his wife, a big family, and tons of friends, J.L. will be greatly missed! Please join us in sending our condolences to his family and friends. REMEMBER: When a loved one who believes in Jesus, graduates to heaven, IT IS ONLY A TEMPORARY SEPARATION. If you love Jesus, and have confessed Him as your Lord and Savior, you will see your loved one again and be with them for eternity. Happy trails, J.L., for we will meet again! HELPING OUR NEIGHBORS Our local hospital needed a helping hand with transport, as well as the making of 12 new beds. We do what we can, when we can to help, for that hospital is the key to everyone’s health in this area. This week we had a Land Cruiser going to Pemba for other reasons, so we helped out by fetching a load of supplies needed by the hospital. No sense having a truck return with only half a load. I’m a practical Bush Bunny, and believe in maximizing resources to help others when needed. Our local Balama welder came up with the solution to the needed 12 hospital beds shown in the photo below. His design is truly practical and well built. We thank him for his assistance in meeting this need. ![]() Director of Hospital admires hospital bed made by local welder. The heart of Jesus is that we all work together, helping one another in whatever way we can. Thanks to your Love Gifts, we will continue to do so until Jesus returns. BLESSINGS BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE |
Today our Balama Doctor visited our children, giving them all a health check. They passed with flying colors! ![]() Jesuino kept the doctor busy as he thought his stethoscope and mask would be fun to play with! ![]() Baby Angelina being weighed by doctor as foster mother Balbina looks on. ![]() Daniel, 1st grader, getting his check up. On Thursday, the Balama Director of Health visited our staff and children to teach them proper hand washing, social distancing and other preventative measures to keep them healthy. Afterwards, the Director of Health and I met to discuss other ways our group could help the Balama area with the virus challenge. We are both on the phone in the photo, working to coordinate the needs on her list. ![]() Director of Health and Bush Bunny Brenda meeting to help others. BUSH BUNNY TIDBITS: Our BBC Teams, all Churches, and construction programs are closed till after Easter weekend. All our children are out of school, but still able to burn off their energy at our playground center where ONLY they are allowed entry at this time. All soccer games have been canceled as no group over 30 people are allowed to assemble. To brighten our children’s lives, I gave each orphan home 2 new balls so the children can have some fun while “stuck at home”. ![]() 1‑year-old Jesuino walking strong as Capena shows him around the playground. Will keep you informed, but for now, we are all staying close to home, praying for the health of the world, and all those around us in this challenging time. God’s Blessings to all of you, and continue to pray Ps. 91 and other scriptures over us and your family, for it is ONLY JESUS who can protect us from this invisible enemy. BLESSINGS BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
SURPRISE! IT’S TRIPLETS! Wednesday, a mother was brought to us on a bicycle with a baby girl on her back. Nothing unusual, as that happens all the time. But her document from Social Services said THREE-DAY-OLD TRIPLETS! I asked where are the other 2 babies? She told us they were “on the way” with 2 other women, as her 40 year old legs couldn’t handle the walk (we thought she was the grandmother). Sure enough, 10 minutes later in walk 2 women with 2 baby boys. ![]() Triplets with mother on far right. Our Staff was amazed that A 40-YEAR-OLD WOMAN, whom we thought was the grandmother, was actually THE MOTHER of these triplets! The 2 boys each weighed 2.4 Kg (5.28 lbs), but the tiny little girl, only 1.7 Kg (3.74 lbs.) What a weight this woman had carried while pregnant! We fixed them up with 3 bottles and baby formula combined with full instructions on how to care for them. We pray the little girl makes it, as she is quite small and fragile. Please pray for them all, as I have only known 1 set of triplets where all 3 made it to their 1st birthday. LIFE SKILLS CENTER NOW HAS A WATER WELL! The “pump team” drove in last Wednesday, and immediately began organizing the water well base. It is interesting how they put it all together in only 3 days, so I thought I’d share my photo series with you. ![]() Metal rings make up concrete forms for water well pump. ![]() Water well pump mounted and final cement work in progress ![]() Life Skills Water Well is finished. A super blessing. Our team will mark the building this coming week, and begin digging the foundation. All moving at a fast rate, which makes me very happy. If you want to see the well in action, we’ve posted a quick video. WALLS UP AT HOUSE #7 – AWAITING RING BEAM & ROOF With 4 brick-layers, and lots of helpers, the 4‑bedroom house for this complex has gone up in record time. ![]() ORPHAN HOUSE #7 at 2 meter mark, (6.2 ft) OUR CHILDREN RELEASED FROM SCHOOL FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS Like many countries facing the current health challenge, Mozambique is working hard to prevent this sickness from entering the country. Since the children have tons of time for the next 30 days, they are learning “yard work” 101, which includes chopping the grass to keep our living area clean. Extra sports and other fun activities are being added to their daily schedule to help keep them busy. ![]() Yard work 101 for our primary school children. WE ARE PRAYING FOR YOUR HEALTH, AND WE HOPE YOU CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR OURS. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
DOING WHAT’S NOT BEEN DONE BEFORE THANKS TO 2 VERY GENEROUS DONORS, we have been challenged to double the size of our construction team, and raise 2 major construction sites simultaneously. ORPHAN COMPLEX #7 This project began last November, but had to be halted when heavy rains made it impossible to get our equipment to the site. It was restarted last week with walls already going up for the 4 bedroom orphan home. This complex will also include a lunch room/kitchen, 4 bathing areas, and 4 toilets. LIFE SKILLS CENTER FOR TEENS This Life Skills Center for Teenagers will be the first of its kind in our area. This Center will allow students to learn Motorbike and Auto Mechanics, basic computer skills, money management/basic accounting, and many other “life skills” that will help them be a success in the business world. ![]() Orphan home #7, 4‑bedroom-house under construction The land for the center is 1.5 miles (about 2 km) from our mission station since that was the closest land available. First phase is drilling a water well which was done TODAY. We are very excited because abundant clean water was found at 180 ft. (60 meters), causing all of us to cheer! The video shows the water spraying out as the drill penetrated into the water pocket. The manual pump will be inserted into the well next week. Construction will begin as soon as the cement around the well is dry. ![]() Water well drilling at Life Skills center area earlier today. THANK YOU TO BOTH THESE DONORS WHO ARE MAKING A WAY FOR OUR TEENS TO COMPETE IN THE CURRENT BUSINESS WORLD. UPDATE FROM LAST WEEK Baby Adlina and (triplet) Antonio have recovered from their illnesses after a few days in the hospital. Thank you for your prayers! Also, we thought you might enjoy seeing this video of our 1st grade class mastering the Bawana Games baton relay. BUSH BUNNY’S LAUGH FOR THE DAY Increased Protection from all airborne viruses: Eat 2 pieces of fresh garlic and 1 fresh onion every a.m. and p.m. This “preventative measure” is basically useless, but it sure keeps people at a distance! BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
6 YEAR OLDS LEARN BAWANA GAMES Each year, as our preschoolers advance into 1st grade, Bertino (Bawana leader), is tasked with teaching them how to compete in Bawana Games. ![]() Running with all their might! ![]() 1st graders working on hand slap team tag. These little ones have watched the games for 2 years, but found out that the experienced “Big Kids” make the coordinated “team work” look a lot easier than it really is. I had a fun time watching them attempt to master the baton hand off. They started with the hand slap “team tag” you see in the photos, and advance to the baton relay once they understand the hand slap. PRE-SCHOOL CLASS Pre-School Head Master, Dominica, and assistant Fatima, work hard each day to help our orphans as well as the local Sunday School children prepare for 1st grade. Smiling is not one of their strong points, as you can see in their photo. But they are all eager to learn, and enjoy their 3‑day-a-week program. ![]() Preschoolers in class. Dominga back left. Fatima front right. BABY ADELINA AND TRIPLET ANTONIO BOTH IN HOSPITAL Baby Adelina presented yesterday with her 2nd case of Malaria in 6 weeks. YIKES! That is very dangerous and she was losing strength rapidly for it causes severe anemia. Capena, our Office Manager, and Anna, our Children’s Director, took her immediately to the Balama hospital where they began treatment in the emergency room. Baby Adelina later transferred to the Pediatric Ward for 3 days of IV medication to combat the malaria. As of this morning, she is beginning to eat, which is a great sign of recovery. ![]() Baby Adelina a few weeks ago. Ten years ago, we assisted a little Granny in successfully raising her triplet grandsons from infancy. For all 3 babies to survive is a miracle in itself! The boys do all suffer from occasional respiratory infections and asthma as a result of being born so small. ![]() The triplets in 2018. Yesterday, the #1 triplet, Antonio, started with a mild case of asthma brought on by a respiratory infection. He received immediate treatment, but became worse during the night. This morning, our staff took him and his granny to the hospital for further treatment. PLEASE PRAY FOR BOTH THESE CHILDREN TO HAVE A RAPID HEALING. RAINY SEASON HAS RUN ITSELF OUT, CONSTRUCTION BEGINS! I will give you a full update with photos next week, but wanted everyone to know this last week was DRY AND SUNNY! HOORAY! It’s been a welcome relief after 4 month of grey skies and almost daily rains. TOGETHER, WE ARE CHANGING LIVES FOR THE BETTER, ONE DAY AT A TIME. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF Please don’t forget to check out and share our OU Video. |
BUSH BUNNY BRENDA BLOG, February 29, 2020
BALAMA BUSH PASTORS BRINGING IN THE SOULS FRIDAY was our monthly Pastors meeting, and despite the heavy rains, they continue to meet with village believers and are reaping a harvest of souls. PTL! SALVATIONS IN FEBRUARY:
Adults 35
Teens 35
Children 90

Balama Bush Pastors ending the monthly meeting with prayer and Thanksgiving. Bawana games in these 46 villages reached 13,641 children with God’s Word. I praise the Lord Jesus for such faithful men who, despite many challenges, continue to share the Lord’s salvation message with all they meet. Keep us all in your prayers, for God is moving here in a mighty way.
Our LITTLE DISCIPLES pre-school for ages 3 to 5 is in full swing with our 4‑member-staff teaching coordination games, art, songs, basic math, the alphabet, Bible stories, and the Portuguese language. The children love it all as it prepares them for 1st grade. The foster mothers love it for it burns off toddler energy in a fun way. Preparing God’s children with a head start program that paves the way for 1st grade … Click the link for Video

Little Disciples learning coordination through games.
1. Pastor Alberto is totally healed from his rattlesnake bite and spent the week teaching God’s Word to our youth at the Bawana games. He left by motorbike yesterday for Namuno District to continue his evangelistic work in 4 villages.

Pastor Alberto back in action as he teaches God’s Word to our Bawana kids.
2. The Montepuez River Bridge (100 yards/meters wide), was replaced by a temporary bridge and opened for traffic this week. Manel rushed a load of supplies to our orphans in Meluco town and returned the same day. Sadly, that night high waters damaged this new bridge. We are thrilled to have met the needs of our orphans for March when flood waters should receed so the bridge can once again be repaired. TOGETHER, WE WILL CONTINUE TO SPREAD GOD’S WORD ABOUT JESUS AND RESCUE HIS CHILDREN IN DESPERATE SITUATIONS.
Please don’t forget to check out and share our OU Video.
BUSH BUNNY BRENDA BLOG, February 22, 2020
ORPHANS GET FRESH START THANKS TO LOCAL WIDOWS “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” to care for a child who has lost their parents. That phrase is taken literally around here. OUR JESUS-LOVING VILLAGE is made up of widowed grannies and aunts who desire to “make a difference” in the lives of these orphans. Disabled or elderly makes no difference. It is their love for Jesus and His children that counts! Our children dearly love their foster mothers.

The Wonderful Widows raising our 105 orphans. I greatly appreciate these women, and want to honor them for their faithful, ongoing service to the 105 children living in our 21 orphan homes. Please continue to pray for all of us as we continue our daily service to these innocent ones. BREAKFAST, THEN OFF TO SCHOOL It was great fun being part of the Victory house breakfast time this week. The kids look super sharp in their new school uniforms with backpacks loaded for school.

Victory House children looking really beautiful in their school uniforms. Monica, 8, who suffers from a genetic heart condition, is happiest of all the children. Her health improved so well in 2019 that she now has the strength to attend 1st grade. Her foster father, Esteven, provides her a ride on his bicycle to and from school daily (400 yards/meters). That much walking would decrease Monica’s chances for a successful school year. Tough and determined is how our staff describes this highly intelligent youngster. Please pray for Monica’s strength, as going to school has been her lifelong dream. She has begged us for the last 2 years to let her attend, so we are very happy for her.

Mighty Monica thrilled to finally be in school.INFANT PROGRAM SAVING LITTLE LIVES THANKS TO YOUR LOVING HEARTS, any infant in a desperate situation is able to receive help 24/7 at our mission station. With February being the height of the “time of hunger” (1 month before corn/bean harvest), we are receiving desperate mothers begging for milk for their starving infants. A malnourished mother cannot produce breast milk, and thus the vicious cycle begins.

Malnourished Laurinda, 20 months old, 4.6 kg (10 lbs) receives your love through special foods.. TWINS are another group needing our help. Orphans or not, twin infants at 3 to 4 weeks put too much demand on a mother’s milk producing ability, even if she is well nourished.

Tiny twins, 2 weeks old, enter baby program. Their mother has no breast milk. Please forgive the markkup arrows on the photograph… this is the twins with their mother and father. BECAUSE YOU CARE, THESE LITTLE ONES GET A CHANCE TO GROW UP. KEEP YOUR PRAYERS FLOWING HEAVENWARD. WHAT’S A DUCK BUNNY? The photo says it all, as Bush Bunny Brenda pulls on her rubber boots, grabs her umbrella, and splashes out into the rainy weather to visit the children. On this day last week, not even our 4‑wheel-drive trucks could manage the deep mud.

t’s a DUCK BUNNY loose in the rain! We eagerly await March as the rains should decrease, provided a cyclone (hurricane) doesn’t stir up trouble. A Cyclone can easily extend the rainy season into April. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND EVERPRESENT LOVE FOR GOD’S “INNOCENT ONES “.BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE (DUCK BUNNY)AND THE BALAMA STAFF
BUSH BUNNY BRENDA BLOG, February 15, 2020
Tuesday night at 7pm, 17-year-old orphan Ivodia called me in a panic to say their Foster Mother, Bertina, had been hit by lightning! A HORRIBLE THUNDERSTORM was in progress at that moment which caused horizontal lightning flashes along the ground.
I raced to my car, calling Capena, our office manager, to join me. Together, we slopped through 6 inches of muddy road in my 4 wheel drive pick-up to get to Bertina’s home. Upon arrival, I found Bertina in extreme agony and her entire left arm paralyzed!
Ivodia and the other foster mother told us that Bertina was placing clothing into the children’s closet when the lightning flash “came through the door”, knocking her to the ground inside the girls’ bedroom! Thankfully, the 2 little girls had just gone to bed, and were unharmed because they were not “grounded” to the floor.
A quick exam showed no “exit marks” on Bertina’s left hand fingers which would have been the case if hit by a strong lightening bolt. Seems the “splash of the flash” caught her on the shoulder, causing extreme pain, and paralyzing the nerves in her left arm and fingers, for she could not move them at all. OUR STAFF IMMEDIATELY PRAYED FOR HER.
With the weather so dangerous, I decided to not move her, but called the head Emergency Room Nurse in Balama, who told me that pain relief was the only treatment if she wasn’t burned. I gave her pain medicine, and she soon fell off to sleep. The next morning her arm remained painful, but an anti-inflammatory and Tylenol were enough to relieve her pain. By Thursday she was regaining use of her fingers, PTL! By Saturday Bertina was happily back at work washing clothes for the children
Not many are struck by lightning and live to tell about it. Thank you, Jesus, for rapidly healing Bertina!

Bertino shows where lightning hit her, knocking her off her feet.

Bertino happily washing orphans clothes 3 days after lightning strike.
Pastor Alberto is now able to bear weight and walk slowly on his right ankle! Another “trial that ended in triumph”! With a few more days of rest, he is expected to make a full recovery and be back evangelizing in Namuno County south of Balama.

Pastor Alberto 1 week after snake bite on ankle.
On Thursday, I was in Pemba buying supplies, when I got a call saying 2‑year-old Santos was on his way to the hospital with a possible broken left ankle. He had taken a fall off the veranda at his foster home, and landing sideways on his ankle.
THANKFULLY, it wasn’t broken, but badly sprained causing it to swell twice its normal size. Given liquid Tylenol (paracetamol) and a wrap around his ankle, he was sent home with our staff. On Saturday morning, Foster Mother Marcelina brought him to visit me because Santos refused to leave the bandage on his ankle. Typical toddler, lol!
I removed the wrap and agreed to leave it without a wrap for now. He is happily crawling and playing just fine at his home, but refuses to put any weight on his left foot at this time. So we wait until he shows us he is ready to bear weight, and then I will place a small wrap on it to help him walk more confidently. Boys will be boys, so I suspect there will be other spills and thrills for these mothers, as they have 3 other toddler boys in this home.

2‑year-old Santos two days after spraining his ankle.
Thank you all for your prayers, for our ‘African Adventures’ have been many in the last 7 days!