Tuesday night at 7pm, 17-year-old orphan Ivodia called me in a panic to say their Foster Mother, Bertina, had been hit by lightning! A HORRIBLE THUNDERSTORM was in progress at that moment which caused horizontal lightning flashes along the ground.
I raced to my car, calling Capena, our office manager, to join me. Together, we slopped through 6 inches of muddy road in my 4 wheel drive pick-up to get to Bertina’s home. Upon arrival, I found Bertina in extreme agony and her entire left arm paralyzed!
Ivodia and the other foster mother told us that Bertina was placing clothing into the children’s closet when the lightning flash “came through the door”, knocking her to the ground inside the girls’ bedroom! Thankfully, the 2 little girls had just gone to bed, and were unharmed because they were not “grounded” to the floor.
A quick exam showed no “exit marks” on Bertina’s left hand fingers which would have been the case if hit by a strong lightening bolt. Seems the “splash of the flash” caught her on the shoulder, causing extreme pain, and paralyzing the nerves in her left arm and fingers, for she could not move them at all. OUR STAFF IMMEDIATELY PRAYED FOR HER.
With the weather so dangerous, I decided to not move her, but called the head Emergency Room Nurse in Balama, who told me that pain relief was the only treatment if she wasn’t burned. I gave her pain medicine, and she soon fell off to sleep. The next morning her arm remained painful, but an anti-inflammatory and Tylenol were enough to relieve her pain. By Thursday she was regaining use of her fingers, PTL! By Saturday Bertina was happily back at work washing clothes for the children
Not many are struck by lightning and live to tell about it. Thank you, Jesus, for rapidly healing Bertina!

Bertino shows where lightning hit her, knocking her off her feet.

Bertino happily washing orphans clothes 3 days after lightning strike.
Pastor Alberto is now able to bear weight and walk slowly on his right ankle! Another “trial that ended in triumph”! With a few more days of rest, he is expected to make a full recovery and be back evangelizing in Namuno County south of Balama.

Pastor Alberto 1 week after snake bite on ankle.
On Thursday, I was in Pemba buying supplies, when I got a call saying 2‑year-old Santos was on his way to the hospital with a possible broken left ankle. He had taken a fall off the veranda at his foster home, and landing sideways on his ankle.
THANKFULLY, it wasn’t broken, but badly sprained causing it to swell twice its normal size. Given liquid Tylenol (paracetamol) and a wrap around his ankle, he was sent home with our staff. On Saturday morning, Foster Mother Marcelina brought him to visit me because Santos refused to leave the bandage on his ankle. Typical toddler, lol!
I removed the wrap and agreed to leave it without a wrap for now. He is happily crawling and playing just fine at his home, but refuses to put any weight on his left foot at this time. So we wait until he shows us he is ready to bear weight, and then I will place a small wrap on it to help him walk more confidently. Boys will be boys, so I suspect there will be other spills and thrills for these mothers, as they have 3 other toddler boys in this home.

2‑year-old Santos two days after spraining his ankle.
Thank you all for your prayers, for our ‘African Adventures’ have been many in the last 7 days!