FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: SEPTEMBER 19, 2020 EVA SHOWING OFF HER HOME SKILLS Eva, the first child we took into our family in 2000, is now 22 years old. (Yeap, I just completed 20 years in Balama!) Two year old Eva and her Grandmother came to us because Eva was suffering from 6 major seizures DAILY due to Cerebral Palsy. Long story, short, the doctors that saw her at age 2 told us she would most likely be unable to walk, speak, or take care of herself. SURPRISE! ![]() Eva pounding whole corn into corn flour. She is NOW DOING ALL 3 AND caring for her grandmother, as well! Passing by her home this week, I found Eva “pillaring” (hand pounding corn into flour). Don’t be fooled, that “pounding pole” weighs about 15 lbs (7 kg). Eva shows how it’s done in this video!‑7hsszrYWk Yes, Eva is mentally slow and walks with a funny gait, but with her Grandmother’s patient teaching, Eva has proven that she can be a useful helper around the house. She runs, sings, and speaks part of 3 languages! NEVER SAY NEVER WHERE GOD IS CONCERNED! REMOTE VILLAGE ORPHANS RECEIVING YOUR GIFTS This week, we completed all 5 remote village food give-outs using strict guidelines to prevent any viral contamination. Balama is CV-19 free, and we hope to keep it that way. ![]() Villages orphans and their foster mothers fetching food. Each orphan family received 1 sack of corn, plus salt, 1 piece of soap, and 3 kg (6.6 lbs) of dried beans/person. THANK YOU FOR MAKING IT POSSIBLE TO CONTINUE HELPING THESE CHILDREN STAY STRONG AND HEALTHY. BUILDING A LOCAL TOILET AND BATHING AREA The 4 high school students participating in our Life Skills training, are hard at work today, building a bathroom for 5 young teenage orphans who will enter our program in about 10 days. I’ll tell you more about this “child headed household” in next week’s blog. Our boys, Alferes, Helder, Samuel, and Izebio started their day by marking out, and then digging post holes for the bathroom. The boys then walked to a nearby neighbor and bought 5 bundles of grass for the bathroom walls. Carrying the grass bundles on their heads makes them look like a “grass train” as they walk one behind the other. ![]() Grass train headed to our newest mud brick home. Once the fence posts were in, the 12 foot/4 meter long bamboo rods must be split as they will support the grass walls. Izebio knew how to split bamboo, so we had him show the other 3 how to do it. Life Skills is all about “teaching one to teach one”. ![]() Students mounting the grass walls on bathing area. These split bamboos are then tied onto the fence posts with strong “cords” cut from old tires. The grass walls are secured in place by a 2nd piece of split bamboo on the outside of the grass to “sandwich” it into place. Every house needs a bathroom, making this a vital part of House Building 101. ![]() Teen team with completed grass bathroom with BBC member, Cabral as instructor. (middle, back row) Our young teens are growing into men, all because YOU GAVE so that they could have a better future. It takes more than academics to make a well-rounded citizen in this country. Without the basics of “making a home from local materials”, where will they live? UNTIL NEXT WEEK, MY FRIENDS. KEEP YOUR PRAYERS FLOWING OUR WAY. BLESSINGS BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
Author Archives: Kim Hartman
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 2020 LIFE SKILLS LEADS TO EMPLOYMENT Widnes (Wit-ness), an orphan who grew up in the early years of our program, is now 27 and a trained carpenter’s assistant on his way to becoming a master carpenter. When he graduated high school in 2011, he requested to apprentice under our mission station’s master carpenter. This was 9 years ago, long before a life skills training center was needed because most of our orphans were very young. ![]() Widnes using a carpenter’s hand plane to make a window frame. As I write, Widnes and our carpenter are out replacing a damaged door frame in one of our widow’s homes. The video link shows Widnes hand planing a window frame, the same as Jesus did. Carpentry in our area is still done “the Jesus way”, (all with hand tools) because electricity was not available here until recently, and then only in the central areas of town. Our homes are just outside that area. Click here for video —> Life Skills Training leads to Jobs Skills Training, a proven method to help teenagers become productive, skilled workers and leaders in their communities. BABY FORMULA, ORPHANED INFANTS, AND YOUR LOVE… Baby formula is such a simple, taken-for-granted item in most countries. Yet it is the difference between life and death to a newborn who loses their mother just after birth. Thanks to your Love Gifts, our baby formula program is still able to help every infant sent to us by Social Services during their “milk dependent” days. Such is the case for the fragile 8‑day-old THABO, who lost his mother a week after his birth on September 2nd. His granny, along with the father and aunt, brought him to our mission station on September 10th, with a Social Services letter requesting formula to save their 2.8kg (6 lb.)baby boy. ![]() Baby Thabo with Granny and Aunt as they prepare him a bottle. Thabo will be cared for in his infant year by his granny, who will bring him weekly to our food center to be weighed and receive baby formula. As he grows, he will be given baby cereal to supplement his diet until he’s about 9 months old. At that time he will be eating well, and able to thrive on baby food prepared by the family. THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE GIFTS. THEY ARE A LIFE LINE TO INFANTS WHO HAVE NO MOTHER. KID POWER! As I walked through the village near our children’s homes, I came across a brother and sister using their combined force to pump the local water well your love gifts provided 10 years ago. Kids are smart, and will find a way to “make things happen ” using team work. The video I took tells the whole story. This well is 35 meters/105 ft. deep, and it does take some muscle power to pump it, especially as fast as these 2 are doing it. Kid power, filling a bucket at top speed Click for video —> God’s Blessings to all of you! Have a great week walking with Jesus. BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: SEPTEMBER 5, 2020 LIFE SKILLS TRAINING BEGINS With all the construction delays caused by this virus, our staff decided to go ahead with life skills training for our 4 oldest teenage boys vs waiting for the construction of an official “place” in which to teach them. All 4 of these young men are in their final 2 years of school, and need to know how to do basic skills that other teens learn from their parents as they grow up. DAY 1: Our 4 teenagers paired up with a worker to dig post holes for fencing repairs. Hole digging is a basic skill used in building homes, outdoor bathrooms and kitchens. ![]() Digging post holes so our staff can repair damaged fencing. DAY 2: They worked side-by-side with experienced BBC members constructing a local toilet/bathing area for an elderly couple at their mud brick home near our base. DAY 3: Assisted in sifting/cleaning 19 sacks (1 ton) of corn for milling so our resident orphans have food next week. (Orphans Helping Orphans Program) Then our staff taught them how to prepare the corn bags for 3 major village food give-outs next week to village orphans. These young men learned how to roll a full sack of corn into an empty sack until the 2 sacks contain equal amounts of corn. Seems basic, but they are all important life skills in this culture. ![]() Samuel trying to figure out how to open a sack of corn. Our teenagers showing how to divide a sack of corn for distribution to village orphans. See video at this link: ![]() Holder and Alferes proudly show off their completed half sacks DAY 4: Observation-only lesson – Use of a hydraulic jack for tire removal on a truck was taught by our mechanics instructor, Simba. I was amazed at all the details an experienced person takes for granted when doing this. Simba is very good at clearly explaining each step in detail. The students had questions, which was good, for it meant they were truly “engaged” in the lesson. ![]() Observing a tire removal after seeing where to set the hydraulic Jack. Preparing our young men and women for life in the real world is an important task that many orphans never receive when growing up in a foster home. The girls are being taught child care, food preparation, and daily home life skills by our foster mothers as they grow up. All these lessons are essential for the young women to become good wives and mothers. Our boys also learn the basic cooking and cleaning skills around the home, but lacked the many skills needed to build a home or make a living when they leave our program. Our staff is dedicated to teaching our young men and women what the foster mothers can’t teach them. And yes, if the girls want to learn car mechanics, computers, etc., they are encouraged to do so. In this culture, other NGO programs have tried to teach foot-pedal sewing machine skills to girls, but they refused to learn it. Reason? The girls equate foot-pedal sewing machines as ‘for men only’ as the mechanical skills to operate such a machine is only known by men in this culture. So, we have a few cultural obstacles to consider when setting up our Life Skills classes. MIRACLES CONTINUE IN REMOTE AREAS Our Namara Pastor reported that a female Witch Doctor along with her husband and 5 children all came to Jesus last month! It’s a big thing when a Witch Doctor accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior after serving the devil for most of her life. It opens the door for those who used her services to find out who the REAL HEALER is. This family burned their witch hut, and the wife is now telling all her friends about Jesus! PTL! No surprise in that our many Balama house churches continue to reach out to their neighborhoods during these difficult days. Salvations in August: Children: 73 Teenagers: 30 Adults: 22 I take my hat off to our remote Pastors, as they are doing a great job in preaching to small crowds in several locations each week. If a big shade tree was good enough for Jesus, it is good enough for us. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND CONTINUED SUPPORT OF OUR CHILDREN. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: AUGUST 29, 2020 LAST OF THE HARVEST LEAVES THE FIELDS Our 18 Grannies who are part of our mission base, have kept their orphaned grandchildren very busy in the last 2 weeks as they bring in the last of their harvest. Each of our Grannies and the Foster Mothers of our 6 orphan homes receives about 1 acre of land to use as a “teaching ground” for the children in our program. ![]() Grannies with grandchildren bring in Mandioca Cuttings that will be planted in October. KNOWING HOW TO PLANT/HARVEST is an essential skill every Mozambican must know if they desire to eat. Thus our “training fields” are now being cleared of the last of the Ervelia Beans and Mandioca Root (cassava), so that these fields can be prepared for next year’s crop. Our planting seasons are the opposite of the northern Hemisphere, which means we plant in November to December, and harvest in April to July. ![]() NITO, a special needs orphan (center) helping his Granny with the harvest. The objective of our program is to provide each child with a fully rounded education. Not just classroom skills, but farming “survival” skills must be taught as well. Normally, the children’s parents would teach these skills to their children. Since our Foster Mothers have taken over that role with all that it entails, it is our responsibility to make sure they learn everything needed to be a self-sufficient citizen. ![]() GRANNY MASACA may be over 70, but still helps her grandchild bring in the harvest. BUSH BUNNY TIDBITS: 1. PTL the Mongooses are back! That means less snakes in the area. THANK YOU JESUS! 2. Churches are now allowed to open but with stiff measures. Since those regulations include only 50 people and no children, we will not be opening our church at this time. Our Sunday services are held in small “house churches” outdoors so that all our children may participate. 3. Schools will remain closed until October 1st, when the government will decide if they open at all for this school year which ends in November. 4. PRAYERS are needed for all of us, (please don’t forget the 515 Meluco orphans), as we continue to take it one day at a time. PTL that ALL OF US are healthy and strong. Living outside in this spacious area with lots of fresh air has many advantages. 5. Our study and activity periods continue with the children each morning, keeping body and minds strong and absorbent. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR CONTINUED PRAYERS AND LOVE GIFTS DURING THESE TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA TEAM |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: AUGUST 22, 2020 STANDARD BANK DONATES FACE MASKS Our children, Muzila, Fatima, and Ali represented our entire children’s group in a surprise ceremony on Thursday to receive an entire case of cloth face masks with the bank’s emblem on them. The older children will be given instructions on when and how to use them before we distribute them. Thank you Standard Bank for your concern about our children’s safety. ![]() Muzila, Balama Administrator, Fatima, Ali, and SB President model their new masks. (left to right) COOL WEATHER HANGING AROUND August is supposed to be warm to hot, but not this year. Normally, August and September in Balama, the temps match TX weather almost perfectly. HOT, HOT, HOT. The 2 little village boys in the photo are keeping warm at the fire they made while waiting for the sun to heat up the air. Children learn essential life skills, like starting a fire, at an early age here, for it is necessary for survival. They are well trained at an early age, and rarely burn themselves. ![]() Two intelligent little boys start a simple fire to keep warm. YOUR LOVE GIFTS provide warm clothing for our children so they don’t suffer the cold. Thank you for keeping them healthy and warm during our prolonged cool season. TEEN POWER!!! Our 17 teenage boys helped out this month by giving our 1,600 meter (over 1 mile) fenceline a good cleaning. They successfully chopped and pushed back the weeds during their weekly 2 hour work project, over a 3 week time period. ![]() Our TEEN POWER returning from 2 hours of fence cleaning. Monkey Bean best dealt with before the dew dries. ![]() Monkey bean grows wild on fences and in trees. Those tiny hairs make you scratch like a monkey. Teen power is quite a force when harnessed and these young men did a great job. This teaches them work ethics, gives them work experience and exercise, burning off their abundant supply of energy. School is not due to open till October 1st, so busy hands are a good thing. All our children are kept busy daily with games, sports, and classroom activities. THANK YOU FOR PROVIDING A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT AND EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS FOR OUR CHILDREN. BLESSINGS BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: AUGUST 15, 2020 AND THE LAME SHALL WALK! Pastor Alberto, in Namuno District, reported that a woman named, Julietta, HADN’T WALKED IN 3 MONTHS due to a severe back injury which occurred right after she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Her family are Jesus believers, so they transported her from a remote village deep in the bush to where Pastor Alberto has his church. TEN MINUTES AFTER PASTOR ALBERTO PRAYED FOR HER, THE LORD JESUS HEALED HER BACK COMPLETELY! SHE GOT UP FROM HER GRASS MAT AND WALKED!!! (sound familiar?) ![]() Julietta with her infant daughter a few days after the Lord healed her back. Alberto called me today to say she is now able to haul water on her head from the local river, and enjoys playing with her little girl. THANK YOU JESUS FOR THIS MIRACLE HEALING! The family and villagers were greatly impacted and are PRAISING JESUS, for many knew of this woman’s inability to walk. She had been told by medical personnel, that they could do nothing for her. FYI: The photo of Julietta and her little girl was taken and hand carried by Pastor Alberto to me via his motorbike. TWENTY-FOUR MILES (40km), ONE WAY, as their internet wouldn’t send it. I am very grateful for Alberto, for he is a true “man of faith” and truly knows that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR OUR LORD. TRIPLETS THRIVING AT 5 MONTHS! It is now warm enough to weigh the babies without clothing, so wanted to show you what your BABY FORMULA LOVE GIFTS are doing for the infants of Balama. Marcia and Marcelino each weigh in at 13.2 lbs (6kg), while brother Marcelo weighs 13.75lbs (6.25kg). Love and good food keep these babies healthy! ![]() Triplets Marcia, Marcelino, and Marcelo showing off their chubby 5 month old bodies. Will update you on the other triplets later this month, as they are slowly gaining weight after their respiratory illness that caused them to be admitted to the Balama hospital. BONIFACY LEARNING SEVERAL TRADES Bonifacy, now 20, is a special needs young man who is mentally slow. But that didn’t stop him from helping his Grandma around the house, as well as harvesting her produce from her little farming field. Grandma Severina took in her 5 orphaned grandchildren when they were all small children. Two of her grandsons were mentally slow, but that didn’t stop her from teaching them how to do the basics of farming, mud brick making, and fetching water from the local well. ![]() The ever-smiling Bonifacy with sack of Mandioca root on his head. I captured the photo of Bonifacy was last week as he returned from Granny’s farm with a sack of fresh Mandioca Root on his head. This young man ALWAYS has a BIG SMILE on his face! I’m very proud of Granny Severina and Bonifacy for teaming up to take care of the younger children in her home. WITH GOD AND PATIENCE, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: AUGUST 8, 2020 SNEAKY SNAKE GETS CAUGHT I was walking near my dog pen when I saw a snake track that left the dog pen and returned onto itself after a few yards. It was fresh, cause I had walked that same area just a few minutes before. Meaning: snake is nearby. Calling my guard, I began to look for it when my mechanic yelled “STOP! It is in the fence!”. Sure enough, while I’m looking on the ground, the snake went UP, tangling itself in the chain-link fencing trying to get away from me on the outside and the 2 dogs on the inside. The video says it all as to what happened next. With a 99.9% poisonous rate in the snakes of this area, THE ONLY GOOD SNAKE, IS A DEAD SNAKE! Weather is warming up, so 2 snakes in 8 days means time to be on the alert again. JOY! I am very grateful for sharp eyed workers and protective Angels. ![]() Sneaky Snake lost the battle. LOCAL MOTHER BIRTHS BABY AFTER SEVERE ACCIDENT Martina, 3 months pregnant, was being given a lift by her Uncle on his bicycle when he lost his balance, causing them to have a severe fall. Martina suffered a fractured femur (right leg) which put her in hospital for months. Her baby boy, Albertino, was born 6 months later in perfect health. The husband abandoned her during this time, leaving her 2 other boys, ages 6 and 8, with her sister, Virginia. Due to her poor health, Martina’s breast milk dried up completely a few days ago, leaving 11 week old Albertino with nothing to eat. The local hospital sent her to us for assistance. Carried to our mission station on a friend’s motorbike, Martina walked with the aid of crutches to bring her baby to us. Her sister, Virginia, has moved in with her as the 2 boys are too young to do all the household work, plus care for the infant’s needs. The family had only starvation foods available to them, as their farm produced nothing this year since no one was there to attend the fields. ![]() Aunt Virginia holding baby Albertino with mother, Martina. Jesus sent our group to this area so that others might live and know Him. YOUR LOVE GIFTS are providing the LOVE OF JESUS plus the milk and food this family needs so that they have a chance to regain what they have lost in the last year. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS POSSIBLE. PASTOR’S REPORT FOR JULY SALVATIONS in our home churches throughout 2 Districts: 31 Adults 14 Teenagers 71 children Our churches will be allowed to open later this month but only 50 are allowed to attend at once. I will be organizing the Pastors with large churches to have more than 1 meeting so that everyone can attend. The BBC motorbike and bicycle teams are still restricted because the crowds of children they attract numbers more than 50. Keep praying for Mozambique as they begin a 3 month “reopening” of their infrastructure. Schools may not reopen until Oct. 1st if all goes according to plan. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: AUGUST 1, 2020 VISITORS ENCOURAGE OUR CHILDREN At 9 a.m. yesterday we welcomed Balama’s Administrator and seven other key District Leaders to our mission station for a brief 20 minute orientation of our project. The Administrator was keen to see our food warehouses, which are stunning right now since they are full. The group then visited our children’s homes, and were impressed at how well our children live, and how respectful they act. The Administrator stated that electricity is due into our orphans’ community later this year, and we promised to get “hooked up” to it as soon as it is installed. That is the only utility we don’t have as of now, since running water was installed last year via an outdoor tap at each orphan home. ![]() O.U. Office Manager Capena (left) with New Administrator visiting our children’s homes. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to visit with him, and explain the many facets of our program. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU, WE ARE ABLE TO GO BEYOND THE NORMAL LIMITS TO KEEP OUR CHILDREN IN CLEAN LIVING CONDITIONS SO THEY STAY HEALTHY. PREVENTING ORPHANS IS OUR GOAL Missina, a widow at 27 years of age, was brought into the Balama hospital by her brother because her 10-week-old twin girls were losing weight drastically. Widowed during her pregnancy, Missina has little food due to a poor harvest, and her breast milk has dried up. From birth to 10 weeks, both twins had lost critical weight (800 gms each), making them look like they were 2 weeks old. Upon arrival at our mission, Sahina (3.1kg / 6.8 lbs) and Saina (3.3kg / 7.26 lbs) were alert, but HUNGRY! Children’s Director, Anna, orientated the mother and brother on how to mix formula, as the babies fed greedily on their new-found milk. ![]() Widowed Missina with 10 week old malnourished twin girls. Missina has 3‑year-old twins at home, so the whole family will benefit from your Love Gifts over the coming months, as the growing season is far ahead of us. (Harvest begins next March.) Without our food help, this mother and her 3‑year-olds would probably perish, leaving the babies with no female family member to care for them. OUR “PREVENT ORPHANS” PROGRAM is just as important as our “RESCUE ORPHANS” PROGRAM. One of our goals is to help malnourished, nursing or widowed mothers to regain their health so they can continue loving and caring for their own children. The last thing we want is to have to raise children in a situation that was totally preventable. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS MONTHLY GIFTS THAT MAKE THIS PREVENTION PROGRAM POSSIBLE. OUR 3 MUSKETEERS ARE GROWING UP! Left to right in the photo are Adelino (3.5 years), Santos (3 years), and Mildo (4 years). They are quite the combo to contend with as once their little feet hit the floor, it is go, go, go, until they take a nap after lunch. Mildo is already in pre-school, and Adelino and Santos will join him in Feb. 2021. YOUR LOVE GIFTS ARE AT WORK, PUTTING SMILES ON THE FACES OF OUR LITTLE ONES. ![]() Our 3 Muskateers, Adelino, Santos and Mildo. FYI: School and churches will remain closed throughout August. Our school year is from February to end of October, so it looks like a lost year for all our students. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JULY 25, 2020 DOG SAVES BUNNY FROM NASTY COBRA! Sunday, July 19, I was about to step outside my house at noon (warmest day of last week), when Misha (Meesha), a visiting dog from next door, set up an urgent barking. She is normally very quiet, and loves to lay in the sun on my car port just outside my back door. I immediately stuck my head out the door, looking for trouble, but saw nothing (including the dog). The silenced was very concerning, for I had no idea WHAT OR WHO had caused Misha’s urgent barking, and WHY had she run away? I cautiously walked out into the carport, and immediately saw a LARGE zig-zag snake trail in the sand beside the cement slab. Now I knew why Misha had left! Smart dog! I called the guard with 1 word, COBRA! He grabbed our snake killer, a 13-foot (4‑meter) solid bamboo rod and came running. You don’t want to get too close to big snakes in Africa since they can stand up to half their length, and strike up to 10 feet from their position. Our 7‑ton truck was sitting in my carport, loaded with food for Meluco’s orphans. When we couldn’t find the snake because it’s sand trail ended at our cement sidewalk, I was concerned it had crawled up into the truck’s frame when the dog barked at it. (Misha had been sleeping in the warm sand just in front of the truck before she barked.) ![]() Zide showing unwanted visitor at Bush Bunny’s house An extended search found the snake ON THE BACK SIDE OF MY HOUSE, sitting on the cement ledge that forms the foundation. Obviously looking for food and warmth on the cement, this 5‑FOOT (1.5‑meter) SPITTING COBRA was a bit sluggish in its movements when we first spotted it. Zide, my guard, told me to step back, as he took aim with the bamboo rod. The snake lay in a very difficult position for the guard to hit it as it was against the brick wall of the house. KAWAK! The bamboo struck the cement, breaking the end of the bamboo rod. The snake was only stunned (not good), but at least the blow had knocked it off the wall. Zide is an experienced snake killer, so immediately struck a 2nd time, but missed as the snake turned in the blink of an eye, lunging its full length in his direction! Jumping sideways with speed and agility, the snake barely missed biting Zide. He then hit it 3 more times in quick succession with the broken bamboo, ending that quick but ferocious battle. I ran into the house and grabbed a machete (panga), as no snake is a dead snake until it’s head is removed! I regret that I didn’t get a video of this fight, but it all happened in a matter of 10 seconds. It would have showed you the skill and agility needed to fight a large, fast moving, African snake. I’ll try to remember this when we next encounter a snake, for there is always a “next time” around here. ![]() One-eyed Misha, my wonderful four-legged friend My thanks to JESUS FOR SENDING MISHA, the dog, who warned me, and Zide, the guard, for his brave attack skills in keeping me safe from this snake. That was the warmest day we had all week (70ºF/23ºC), as the next day the temperatures turned very cold again (48ºF/13ºC). Since the snake was very thin, it was obvious it was looking for warmth, and food during its midday excursion. It won’t need to look anymore, for Zide gave him a nice burial in our back pasture. 2 LESSONS TO LEARN HERE: In the practical: ALWAYS LISTEN to the animals around you, and immediately investigate with caution. I have had God use birds, dogs, and just the tracks on the ground to give me warning of an impending danger that saved me from harm. SPIRITUALLY: BE WISE, AND KEEP ALERT, LISTENING TO GOD’S VOICE IN THESE END TIMES. Some “snakes” wandering city streets come with 2 legs. OUR CHILDREN ARE ALL HEALTHY! They are just a bit bored with the lack of school. We have increased our games and classroom activities to help curb their boredom. The big boys love to play “basketball-court soccer”, so below is a short video showing their competitive spirit as they burn off some of their never ending energy. (Click the link or the photo to see the YouTube video.) ![]() Teens playing basketball court soccer. The ball they are using is a special ONE WORLD BALL that is super tough. It won’t burst as it made of a special material, and has a special valve that keeps it inflated no matter how rough it is treated. Designed by USA engineers specifically for African terrains. YOUR LOVE GIFTS PROVIDED THESE BALLS, FOR WHICH ALL THE CHILDREN ARE GRATEFUL. Blessings to you all in these challenging times. BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |
FROM “BUSH BUNNY BRENDA“ DATE: JULY 11, 2020 SURPRISE PREGNANCY PRODUCES TWINS IN NEED OF FORMULA Friday, July 10th, an elderly looking couple walked into our mission with a beautiful set of twin girls, Liana and Riana. Much to our surprise, these folks were the PARENTS, not the grandparents with orphaned babies. The mother looks to be in her late 40’s so TWINS in addition to this surprise “late life” pregnancy has overwhelmed this couple. ![]() Twins Liana and Riana, 10 days old with parents. The mother developed nasty abscesses on 1breast, and her 2nd breast dried up on Thursday, leaving the infants with no milk! They rushed to the hospital on Friday, July 10th, looking for baby formula and treatment for the mother. Social Services was called in and sent them to us for formula assistance. These 10-day-old girls were in need of urgent sustenance! THANKS TO YOUR LOVE GIFTS, 2 baby bottles, 2 cans of formula, and 2 bottles of sterile water for mixing the formula were provided immediately. Few realize how important every LOVE GIFT is, for it can mean the difference in life and death to newborns. ![]() Children’s Director Anna teaching formula preparation to parents. LIFE FOR THESE 2 LITTLE ONES WAS A MERE $15 the first week and $10/week until they are 6 months old. This couple could never have afforded even the baby bottles at our market. ($1.50/R25 each) THANKS FOR BEING “GOD’S SAVING GRACE” IN THESE EMERGENCY SITUATIONS. BUSY WEEK BEHIND US… Our corn barn is now full, PTL! THE RICE CROP, “straight from the field”, is in its final week of being sun dried. Our trucks will begin fetching the rice on July 20th from those farmers who grew it. Growing and harvesting rice by hand is a back breaking job, for there are no machines to help plant or harvest it. We waste no funds on a “middle man” when we buy food for the orphans. All our bulk food supplies are bought DIRECT from the farmers, so that they alone get the benefit of your LOVE GIFTS. For most of these farmers, it is the ONLY income they receive each year. It means new clothes for their children and other household items they need. YOUR LOVE GIFTS PROVIDE A 2‑FOLD BENEFIT, 1st to the farmer’s family and 2nd to the orphans who receive it. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS ALL POSSIBLE. MELUCO HERE WE COME… While waiting for the Rice to dry this week, our 7‑ton truck and 3‑man team will take 2 loads of life-saving food to the 515 orphans of Meluco District, 9 hours drive northeast of our Balama base. TOGETHER WE ARE CHANGING MORE LIVES THAN ANY OF US CAN IMAGINE. Personal note: I truly appreciated the encouraging emails I received this last week. Please continue to drop me a line when you can, as it really helps during this time of isolation. BLESSINGS, BUSH BUNNY BRENDA LANGE AND THE BALAMA STAFF |